
I want to change the fuel filter on an 2000 neon do i have to let the pressure out before i take off the line?

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I want to change the fuel filter on an 2000 neon do i have to let the pressure out before i take off the line?




  1. If you don't it will squirt all over you when you try to remove the filter.

    Good Luck...

  2. your going to lose some gas either way so just be ready and work fast when  you first pull the line off there wil some run out yo uwil think its a lot but its just whats in the lines you can put a finger over one side like the one to the back wlll help some

  3. yep, unless you want a face full of gas.

  4. Yeah, that would be a good idea.

  5. Yep. There's a tire type valve near the intake manifold that you can  release the pressure from. Just put a thick cotton rag over it so it won't spray all over.  Some manuals tell you to pull the fuel pump fuse and run it dry.

  6. i never do when i change them...

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