
I want to change the spelling of my name Raymond to Reymund...does it have to go through a court process.?

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Name Change




  1. If you want it legally changed......then yes.  You would have to submit a certified copy of the Court Order for Name Change, that is signed by the judge and notarized to the Dept. of Vital Statistics to get it changed on your birth certificate; then you will need the same form, plus a copy of your new birth certificate to get it changed on your license and social security card.  Then you will need to submit a copy of that same form to all your creditors to get it changed on your accounts.  The laws for getting it changed will vary by state and the fees will vary by county.  You need to contact the local courthouse for your county for the particulars in your area.  If you are a minor, you will also need parental permission.  The fees in the above answer are specific to her area.  My husband legally changed his first name about 4 years ago and his fees were different.  He did not need a lawyer.  He did not need to put an ad in the paper.  He paid $94 to the court (Hernando County Florida, where he lived at the time) and $12 to the Dept. of Vital Statistics for the state of Virginia (where he was born) to get it changed on the birth certificate.  All total, he spent $106.

  2. Yes it does. Anything that would permanently alter your name has to go through a court. Even when a woman gets married, the court issues the marriage license that's used to change her name. You'll have to file a petition with the court, file a notice in the local paper for a couple of weeks and tell the judge why you want the new name. As long as you aren't involved in a bankruptcy and haven't been charged with or convicted of any crimes, they're liberal with it. It will cost you about $500 (usually $400 for the petition, $75 to post it in the newspaper and $25 to amend your birth certificate).

  3. Yes, you would.   If you're really young, I would wait awhile..  you may change your mind later.

  4. you have to go to court and get a court order and change your records it depends where you live on the price where i live i think its somewhere around $210

    the source below has more info listed on another link

  5. You can use any name you choose (a.k.a.) - but to make it a legal name change, and expedite ease of records, willls, estates, etc., requires probate, not necessarily a court appearance, depending on your reasons for the change.  See your county clerk - the process is not expensive

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