
I want to chat with English people who live in london . But I do not know how to do it ?

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Now I am living in Viet Nam but next 2 months , I will go abroad in london,England . But my english is not good so I want to chat with English people to rise my skill . Please ! help me !!!

Thank you so much





  1. Yea, getting books and videos (DVDs etc) would be a great idea. Familiarize yourself with the language. Hearing others speak it will help. Search the internet for some English language chat rooms.

    Hope that helps and you have a great time!


  2. i went to vietnam, ho chi min to hanoi, loved the place. your english sounds very good and im sure you will get on fine.

  3. Try buying some english things, like books and dvds so that you can get used to the grammar and speech. Maybe go online and buy some english lesson CDs to help you.  

  4. how are you i am fine  

  5. i would get a xbox 360 and get xbox live, there alot of english people on it ..... best way to have a laugh and talk to english people such as myself

  6. People in London do not like to talk to strangers! it's how you seperate normal ppl from retards. Normal ppl keep themselves to themselvs.

  7. I don't talk to strangers sorry

    And for the person above only 30% of London are immigrants so 70% are English by birth. And 60% of them are White if you want to be racist about it.

  8. Are there any English people left in London? News to me...

  9. Here are the details of an english language support centre based in London. ~they should be able to put you in touch with a mentor, someone you can contact and practice your spoken english. They may be a useful point of contact for when you get here too. good luck.

  10. You English is better than a lot of people who live in London already!

    It is true that Londoners can be unfriendly and please don't judge the English by that.

    ..... and it's RAISE my skill. Actually IMPROVE MY SKILLS would be even better. I probably would be too perfectionist to help you, but I wish you every success.

  11. you can chat with me. add me on msn if you want. message me if your interested :L  

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