
I want to clarify that i am heard, i.e., female evolution is stopped and the men evolution is still continue?

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I want to clarify that i am heard, i.e., female evolution is stopped and the men evolution is still continue?




  1. That's absurd. Both males and females inherit half their genes from the mother and half from the father, so one gender could not evolve without the other.

  2. Maybe your source is older.

    The Man the Hunter theories of the 50s and 60s relied on the notion that all evolutionary changes occurred through men. The theorists reasoned that women just stayed back at camp raising children and so weren't exposed to situations that would require them to think or be creative or competitive etc. Thus, changes always occurred through males who went out in the world and did the hard things.

    This theory was of course based on what men in the 50s and 60s thought about women in their own lives, not on reality. In fact, feminist anthropologists in the 70s began to show how the opposite could be true. Women as the ones who taught social skills and language and who invented technology to care for children, to hunt, and carry things might have been the impetus for evolutionary changes. In many many early groups women actually brought in more than 70 percent of the food.

    Now that we got that 'whose the better s*x' debate out of the way, we can safely say that evolutionary changes occur through both sexes and that changes are species wide.

  3. Who told you that? That is ridiculous.  Any evolution by a male or female would be repeated by both the sons and daughters.  Are you possibly talking about mitochondrial RNA or something like that?

  4. Men need time to catch up!!!

  5. Evolution of any lifeform is continuous.  It never stops.

  6. Evolution is not sexual, it's species-wide. The only exception maybe be s*x-linked traits, but both males and females carry the gene, only one of the sexes expresses it.

  7. I think you may have to reevaluate your definition of "evolution".  Whoever put that misogynistic idea into your head had another motive.

    Think about it, Einstein:  The male half of the human race speciates due to some genetic anomaly, the 2 different species are then unable to breed, ending human life.  

    Doesn't sound like a "survival" mechanism to me.

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