
I want to climb Mount Everest...?

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How much does it cost to get a good guide and all the things I need.And what exactly does this entail?




  1. I trekked in the Langtang region while in Nepal, and the peaks around that valley cost $10,000 to $20,000 just to obtain the permit to climb. You will then have to drop at least another $10,000 on equipment, guides and travel. As far as conditioning goes, the trek up Everest has been adapted to accomodate people that have no business on the mountain, so someone in decent shape might stand a chance...if you have a high pain threshold. FYI, i was leading month long back packing trip in high elevation desert prior to hiking in Nepal. I was in great shape, and my legs were as strong as they've ever been...and i got my *** kicked. I actually ended up w/ some minor nerve damage in my knee from pushing it too hard. Oh, and people die on Everest all the time.

  2. I don't think this is something that you just do on a whim.  The people who do this are trained professionals.  They get expeditions together to climb Everest.  It's not something like the Grand Canyon where some teenager making $8/hr can give a donkey ride tour.  You also need to be in absolute peak physical condition.  The air gets really thin at extreme altitudes.

  3. Thousands of dollars, lots of walking (tens of miles), experience and conditioning from climbing mountains, permits for access to the mountain.  

      There are a number of good books and National Geographic articles out there.  Be sure you read the ones that talk about the failures so you understand the possible costs beyond money and dying.

  4. Well first you have to get to Kathmandu. Usually via new delhi.

    These tickest are expensive on their own. Then you have to get the right gear and guide which could cost thousands. This covers equipment and guides.

    But first of all you need to really know that you can handle this.

    Mt. Everest can make really in shape people fall over dead.

    Have you ever ran a marathon? If you can't than don't even try mount everest. In fact, don't even try to hike to the mount everest base camp. That is tough by itself. I mean come on. If you are asking a question like this than obviously you have never climbed a mountain before.  You would know all bout equipment and guide costs.  This is like a first year light weight boxer who wants to fight mike tyson in is first fight. Do you know how you will react at 20,000+ ft in altitude. Try this. Put on a backpack with 50 pounds in it.  Go to a resturaunt or grocery store with a walk in freezer.  Put a plastic bag over your head and run in place for about 10 hours. and if you can do that, then you may be able to get to the first check point....    maybe....

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