
I want to come out;?

by Guest63290  |  earlier

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I want to come out as bisexual; because I've felt it for a while, but never been able to confirm my feelings. I'm fourteen & a female. My friend just came out as bisexual to all our friends, including me. Now I don't feel scared anymore about the feelings at all, but if I come out now I'm worried my friends will think I'm just following the crowd. Anyone got any ideas to what I can say to my friend who's come out bisexual to tell her that I'm also bi? It's tearing me up. This sounds strange I know. Thanks.




  1. If your friend was able to do it, just tell her and ask how to tell others. If she's a good friend, she'll be supportive. I'm 16 and confirmed myself as bi recently (well, a few months ago actually) and actually I didn't need to tell anyone. Some people thought I was trying "to be cool", but I can't deny it because I've had feelings for a few girls (actually I first thought I was bi when I was 14 too), though I'm more into guys. Though I don't know, we're only teens and might even turn out to be straight when we're all grown up.

    So, I'll say just chill about it and ask your friend how she came through it.

    Relax. Bi people are the coolest :]

    Good luck

    p.s my best friend confessed to me she's bi too recently so we can freely talk now more without being scared of the feelings we get!

  2. If your friend is genuinely bisexual, then she will appreciate that she's not alone and she will be happy that you can talk about it together.

    I would find a time when you're not rushed and it's just the two of you, and explain that it was a relief hearing that she was bi, because you've known for quite some time that you were too. Tell her it means a lot to you that you're not alone and you would love to be able to talk to her about it. (Take your time and don't rush it)

    Good luck and be happy that you have someone to share your thoughts and feelings with that is capable of understanding you.
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