
I want to come out to my parents?

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I have recently told my younger brother that I am g*y, he already new and was fine with, well I am taking him back home and and when I do I want to come out to my parents, I feel like it is time I tell them. I am 19. How should I tell them? what should I say?




  1. Tell your folks the truth, and use positive terminology. Let them know that you have come to an understanding of who you are as a person maturing into adulthood. Thank them for the love and everything they have provided you - guidance and support more than the "stuff". Let them know that you love them and that their continued understanding and support will be important to you as your life continues to unfold. Believe me, you're not done yet! Let them know they can have time to get used to your ownership. Allow them to ask questions. If they are anything like my folks, they already had an idea. My telling them just confirmed it. Good luck. Be strong. Be yourself.

  2. Just talk to them and in the conversation ask them jow they feel about g*y pll. and then and hold a convo abou g*y ppl and that then ask how they would feel if their child was g*y then get a idea how they feel about it then maybe depending how they rreact to the conversation tell them  

  3. tell them the truth and nothing but the truth,and im sure theyll be happy you told me i was in a situation like your before Good luck!

  4. it sounds like time to me, if your good with telling them both at the same time that makes it easier. i would tell them that you confided in your brother some news and now that your home you feel that they should know the scoop.

    if you think it's possible that they already know also, you can acknowledge that before you say it. and then just say it.

    good luck! been there, i know it's not easy ;-)

  5. Mom, Dad, I hate to tell you this because it may hurt you.  But remember how you have both looked forward to the day when you could have your own grandchildren?  Well, I'm g*y, so you won't be getting them through me.  You'll just have to hope that my little brother can provide them.

  6. that ur g*y

  7. Sure!  As long as you're making your own living, providing for yourself, have s*x with anything you want to.

    But why do your parents need to know this?  

  8. Tell them you want to be honest with them.  Tell them to try and understand what your going through.  It may be that they think you are going through a stage, thats what my mom thought when I came out.  If they don't quite understand when you first talk to them or if they don't quite agree, Than just give it time and they will come around eventually.

  9. I think it's time to tell them.

    Just say "I'm g*y." Say it in whatever way suits you.

  10. If your little brother knew I'm sure your parents do too. Just say that your sure that this is not going to be a surprise to them but you want things out in the open, Then just tell them that you are g*y.  They are your parents and they will love you no matter what. Is anyone else in your family g*y? Like an Uncle or cousin. The reason I ask is because usually in most cases it is inherited. Recently my cousins son came out and told me that he is g*y.  My cousin (his mother) died 23 years ago. Her son came to live with his grandparents. It was not news to me. I had know for some time that he was g*y and I loved him just the same. He wished that he had told his grandparents before they died. But, I am sure they knew too. Most of the time it is not a shock to the family. It will be fine. Good luck

  11. Yup, a simple sit-down and discussion of the facts is best.

    Keep in mind that you've had a little while (your whole life basically) to come to terms with your homosexuality. Don't expect your parents to be OK with it only after 5 minutes of knowing. They, too, will need time to process this new bit of information and it may take some time. Be patient and be sure to answer any questions they might have about your sexuality honestly, straight-forwardly and with candor. This is not the time for euphemisms or "sugar-coating."

    Also: don't apologize for being g*y. It's not your fault. It's not your parents' fault. It's no one's fault so it doesn't require an apology. Your parents may be disappointed, or angry, confused but those are their feelings for which THEY are responsible, not you. There is a propensity in this country to apologize for circumstances that are out of our control. While it's "polite," your ability to present to your parents a proud, self-assured and positive g*y young man will do a lot to put their minds at ease about your sexuality. If you are apologetic, evasive and contrite, they will wonder if YOU truly believe you are g*y.

    One last piece of advice: do NOT spring this on them during another family event like a birthday party, anniversary, major holiday (Xmas, Thanksgiving), or other large family gathering. Often times, gathering of family can mean a lot of stress for the host(ess) as well as the guests, especially if there are pre-existing family rifts (in-laws who don't like one another, siblings who don't get along, etc.) Emotions will be high enough as it is and it won't get any better by your announcement that you're g*y. Plus, that day will FOREVER be branded "The Day Shawn Came Out" so you don't want to couple it with any other "landmark day." Show your parents some respect, sit them down on a not-so-extraordinary day, and have a quiet dialogue with them. No matter what their response, try not to get too overly emotional even if they display a whole range of emotions. That's to be expected and again, your calmness will help them relax and LISTEN to what you're saying rather than all of you engaging in a shouting match.

    Like I said, give them some time to digest this news. Be careful about pushing the issue too hard if it becomes evident that it's causing an undue amount of stress. But always be open and candid with any questions they have. Thing is, if you have to articulate your thoughts so that OTHERS can understand your homosexuality, it helps to clarify in YOUR OWN MIND who and what you are. Some of your answers may surprise even YOU! Some questions you may not have answers to. That's OK. Until you experience a bit more of life, those answers may have to go unanswered for a while.

    Good luck and welcome to the club!

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