
I want to come up with a website where people can ask a question for a dollar each question?

by  |  earlier

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whats a good domain name

dollar a pop .com

dollar for your thoughts



i figured maybe some questions can be interactive like a question of the week for some questions and it can be interactive kinda like a open community blog maybe where people can voice opinions maybe?? i duno what to come up with




  1. Think about what your asking

    why would somebody pay when yahoo answers is free

    the only way your idea might work is if you get a group of specialized experts then what expert is only worth one dollar?

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    If you dont have a website dont worry you can create a website on free sites below and get free advertising on your own website free site

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    just go create a free acct, write down user & pass and then make your website.

    write a review of your product you want to sell, put your affiliate link inside your article and that sends the visitor to clickbank or to your paypal acct if your selling your own product and you get credit.

    You can also sell other peoples products and make an affiliate commission at clickbank.  So dont just focus selling your product.  Be like walmart and sell whats hot. is the worlds largest affiliate marketing site allowing you to sell any products you want paying 50% up to 75% commissions.

    clickbank will create a hoplink for you and you just copy that link code into your squidoo page, its so easy, just go do it.

    ps - vote for me as the best answer, thanks

  2. Why would you do that? People can come on here and ask questions for free. Lol.I would rethink your money making strategy. :)

  3. what if a person didn;t like your answer? do they get a refund? Do you have 5 college degrees and an IQ of 200? are you knowledgeable on 337 different subjects to the level that a college grad student could get legitimate answers from you? - tons of free Q&A sites out there

  4. I agree. There is alot of free sites. What you can do is open the site and maybe ask for a donation for the advice and to help pay for web hosting fees. What about needadvice?.com see if the name is taken or not.

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