
I want to comment on this poem?

by  |  earlier

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Dear my friend

We have seen it suffer.

We have seen smile.

Or not I see you more.,

I promise you that,

if the 'soul reincarnates,

you I'll recognize eyes.

If there is a paradise,

there I'll find you.

If there is only the end,

I'll keep your memory,

up to my end.




  1. You made me learn that  ::I am strong


  2. Commas after periods? Ok, that's a new one on me! The words are great, but your timing is way off even for this style. Dear My Friend? I'm lost. What have you seen suffer? Or not I see you more? It's incomplete in thought and vocabulary! You as a poet have a great responsibility to feed and nourish our thoughts with imagination and you will do a lot better on the next one I'm sure of it! Taking my criticism or not, you must open your mind in a great distance from where there is no return and then you will give us all a masterpiece deserving of your name. "I Want To Comment On This Poem??" Or do you want others to comment? I'll keep your memory up to my end? What does that mean? I just hope you got caught up in rushing your work and tripped upon too many typos... My counter...

    My Dear Friend,

    We all have seen suffering

    We all have seen a smile

    The things we've seen before

    Will start off with a promise

    The soul shall reincarnate you

    To awaken tired eyes

    In this long walk I will find you

    In some distant paradise

    Where the road must end

    I'll keep you in my memories

    Up to the very end

    My dearest friend

    This I promise.

    You need thoughts to flow freely. Don't just write words, build journeys for us to travel on smoothly. Please don't be mad because critics are there to do one thing... Make you better. I hope I have helped. My profile is an open door... Grade  C -

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