
I want to conceive! i have two questions.?

by  |  earlier

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1. is it ok to use the toilet right after intercourse.





  1. I wouldnt advise going to the toilet straight after intercourse, like the other answer said about the pillow, that is what i do for about 20/30 minutes and have read about that alot,  i dont know if there is a particular time of day, some people reccommend having intercourse every day during ovulation week, whereas others say it should be every other day as the sperm count can get too low, i am waiting to do a hpt as i have had a few symptoms and i also enjoy running machines and cross trainers, this morning before i worked out i read that as running is a heavy sport it can cause harm to a feutus so i stayed on the cross trainer, just went a bit slower today than usuall.i hope i may have helped a bit, goodluck and keep us posted!

  2. 1. You should wait for 15-30 min after intercourse. But preferably you should go before intercourse to give it a chance as much as you can.

    2. I guess the best time in the day, is the early morning where you're partners sperm are at their best and your HCG is at its highest unlike in the evening time.

    3. As for the treadmill, I don't know about it. But I guess if doubt that if it decreases your chance to conceive, you can use it when you're not ovulating.

  3. Lying down with your pelvis on a pillow for 30 minutes afterwards is advised. Female o****m after male ejaculation also helps the cervix to dip down and grab sperm. But the treadmill thing is daft! The egg moves down the tubes using villii (a bit like the little hairs you get in your ears for sound-wave transmission) and going jogging won't do a thing, other than make you sweat a little :) Good luck!

  4. OK- i personally dont use the toilet right after intercourse- the best thing to do is keep your partner inside you for just a minute after intercourse to act as a bit of a "plug" the next best thing to do is lay in bed with your hips slightly elevated just to give those little swimmers a better gravity direction. I usually just pop a pillow under my but.. As far as time of day? i dont think so, just as much s*x around ovulation as possible. (unless your DH has a low sperm count) i usually try for every day or every 2nd day. time of day doesnt matter so much (i dont do morning s*x lol) Treadmill? never heard of that theory but your chances of conceiving are halved if you are stressed or run down.. P.S obviously there are a lot of people that would concieve that do all the wrong things but i definitley go to the toilet right after the BD- Good luck and baby dust to us.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'

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