
I want to congratulate republicans on electing Palin for VP of America,but do you think she gained votes ?

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or lost support votes for the McCain ticket?




  1. Obama is going up in the polls. I think she deserves so much credit. There were several men who ran for President who were overlooked. The sound of a high school OMG that comes out of her head is an insult to intelligent women. Her record of corruption. She is an embarrassment. She is helping Obama but so are so many other things. The Dr. Dobson group who prayed for Obama's convention. Actually the prayed it would be ruined but anyone who understands physics knows the energy you send out comes back to you. So this group sent this out to Obama & it showed the republicans as bad luck. Wow, that explains the past 8 years. The dems convention was extraordinary. This list goes on & on.

  2. I was considering voting third party, but her speech last night cemented my vote for the McCain/Palin ticket.  I have no idea what the polls show.  I tend not to pay attention to them, because how can you really be sure of how truthful they are?  

  3. Yeah she gained votes for Obama.

  4. Sarah Palin may have rallied her base about Barrack Obama. But she never stuck with issues that are going on in this country. I don't care what your race, s*x, orientation, or etc. If you can't come up with a plan that of how you can solve the country's problem. I will not vote for you.

    All I have heard is nothing about blame game to the media, and a mockery of Barrack Obama, Joe Biden, and the Democrats. But no resolution of today's problem.

  5. She is a token to take away Hillary voters from Obama. Mccain in all of his experience and dignity would not elect such an inexperienced unknown woman to run with him. it doesnt make any sense at all. Obama has this election, hands down.  

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