
I want to contact my grandpa using an ouija board?

by  |  earlier

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whats the best way to contact my grandpa using an ouija board?

he died before i knew him

so i would like to contact him.

whats the best way to bring forth his presence?




  1. well ur not a retarded teenager and im sorry that the person below said that. Some people believe that the ouija board is a gateway to h**l. the best way to talk to him or whatever u call it is to get some close friends or family together and ask the ouija board questions u would like to know about your grandpa. just dont call on spirits when ur doing this cuz it may bring bad things into your life. just ask the questions as if u were talking to a regular person.

    hope i can help! thanks

  2. I don't recommend using the Ouija board

    to contact your grandfather.  

    However, since you're most likely a teenager,

    I doubt that you're going to listen to anyone

    who tells you that you shouldn't do it.

    So, bearing that in mind-

    You should place a photo of your Grandpa

    close to the area where you are using the board.


    place either a blessed or white candle

    in front of his picture.

    It is important that you and whoever you

    are using the board with, say a

    prayer before you begin.

    Your prayer should be one in which you

    ask for God's protection from evil,

    and that the messages that come through,

    be only the best and the highest.

    Doing this, will help to open the door

    between worlds.

    Your session should be no more than

    30 minutes- (no laughing, no giggling-

    no silly questions)

    Once the planchette has begun to move,

    pay close attention to what is being spelled

    out.  If at any time, you should receive any

    message or messages that are negative,

    threatening, or just don't 'sound right'-

    politely ask that spirit to leave the board,

    as it most likely will not be your grandfather,

    but a spirit posing as him.

    If you cannot get the spirit to leave,

    then it is time to end the session- immediately!.

    Do not attempt to stay on the board arguing

    with the spirit.

    Negative spirits enjoy provoking people

    and making them angry.  

    They then use the energy generated

    from  an individual's anger, to increase

    their own negative energy.  

    In time, if they are able to acquire

    enough of this type of energy,

    they can become quite dangerous.

    if you end your session successfully,

    and without negative interference-

    thank the spirit for coming

    (in this case, your grandfather)

    and for whatever messages were received.

    Say a closing prayer of thanks, ask that

    the door between world be closed

    tell the spirit to "go in peace",

    and then blow out the candle.

    You may also want to burn some sage

    (using a smudge stick)

    or frankincense and myrrh incense afterwards,

    to clear out any possible residual energies

    from your session.

    Peace & Good Luck~*

  3. if u use a ouija board his spirit has to be in the room.

  4. Never mind the ouija board..... it has bad powers..... use it and the devil will enter you if using this... PLEASE becarefull..

    The best way to contact your grand dad is by prayer... he'll come right to your heart.. try it and have faith... it works....

  5. Use the board as a shovel. That is the closest you will get to ever communicating with him. You will be talking to a decomposing corpse and that is the end of story. Nothing more!!

  6. Umm sorry to tell you this Hun..but if you can believe in some r****d ouija board then you can also believe that the spirit your talking to is infact a demon! Those things are fake..your talking to the devil!! Its called Heaven & h**l..the ouija board is like & opening to h**l & your grandpas not really your grandpa its the devil =) God..I hate dealing with retarded teenagers

  7. Dont do it, evil spirits or worse can invade your home, im not being crazy but me and my friends used one before and all sorts of crazy **** happened !

  8. Your grandpa is now resting in peace, all communication with him from this world has been cut off. Please accept that. .

  9. well the ouija board isn't the best way to do that and the only spirits you can contact are ones who are still on the plane and not gone to the light, and believe me yoou don't want to contact those spirits and also if you open the gateway you mae not be able to close it and it won't be pretty please stay away from any kind of seance thing it isn't safe when you don't know what you are doing or getting yourself into.

  10. the best way to bring forth his presence is by conducting a spiritual mass(misa espiritual) by an expierienced espiritista. a espiritista is a person who has many expierience in comunicating ,chaneling,an or trancing which brings that persons spirit into his body reincarnated to speak with u. do not attempt using this in the ouji board, WARNING DO NOT ATTEMPT TO DO THIS ,THIS SHOLD BE ONLY TRIED BY AND EXPIERINCED  PERSON , DO NOT TAMPER WITH OUJIBOARD

  11. OK dint use them they are not safe nor would i recommend anyone not any soul to use these there just not safe you don't know whats spirits they are these are bad things OK i practice wizardry i know about these things don't use it if you would like to talk to your grandpa then  what you must do is wait until the time comes of death he is in peace now living his new life and going on another journey

  12. well i dont think that using a ouija board will help u get anywhere but u could try doing that summonig spirts thing and contact him that way goodluck

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