
I want to convince my friend to play volleball although she thinks it's boring.?

by  |  earlier

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I think it will be a good sport to try.

She's already gone to 2/3 tryout days but is thinking about quiting!




  1. make her watch golf or tennis, she'll be begging to play volleyball instead of really boring stuff like that

  2. did ur friend just ask "my friends and fsmily both want me 2 try out but i dont no wat i am goin 2 do???" is that ur friend

  3. tell her to just go to the last try out day. tell her that if she makes it, ,she can quit if she doesnt like it, but at least try out.

  4. if she think's it's boring, she's not tryinh hard enough, but's her decision.

  5. Is she in a good league or a "rec" league?  If she is in a good league with talented people, I don't see how you can find that boring.  My suggestion would be to try a couple of different places to play and get a high and challenging level of comp.  If that doesn't work, try getting a DVD of some of the past summer olympics to show her how the game is supposed to be played.

    Good Luch

  6. if she doesn't like it she shouldn't play. for one, how in the world can she actually play volleyball and find it boring?

    i hate when people don't like a sport but then play it anyway.

    like on mspace, people that are on my school's varsity team are like

    "i hate volleyball! IT SHOULD DIE!"



    and i quoted those two different people  exactly. They talk about quiting, well...quit already and allow someone who loveloveloves vball and works their butt off everyday in practice to have those spots. grr. srry for the little

  7. try to get her to stay a while longer and say its going to get a lot funner when tryouts are over if that doesnt work then just try and make a new friend on the team

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