
I want to convince my parents to let me..?

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take piano lessons. any ideas how to get them to say yess???





  1. how old are you? can you suggest that you would help them pay for the lessons? or maybe do extra housework around the house to help out if you do not have a job? are your grades good? i am a parent and would let my kids take piano lessons in a second (as long as they were not a brat about it), but that's just me.

  2. Why should you convince them, if it is your passion and what you want just ask them and if they are caring parents they will be proud of you and let you go.

  3. Why would any parent refuse a child piano lesson's? The only reason is lack of money or trouble finding time to get you there. If they are struggling with money than be patient times are tough for everyone right now. If you are low income try the boys and girls club, they may give lessons. The library also should have books on teaching yourself piano.

  4. say don't you want your daughter to Susette in life and this is one of the thing i would like to say i done this and i Susette in it ps i don't no if i spelt some words right

  5. Approach them as a young adult and calmly tell them you would like to take piano lessons. Present them with a "business case" so to speak. Tell them what you want, how much it is going to cost, where the lessons will be, how you will get to the lesson, what you need from them to be able to take the lesson, and what the benefit would be to you and your parents if they were to help you pay for and allow you the time to take the lessons.

    In the business world when you want something you have to present a business case, outlining what you want, how much it will cost, where to get it, and how will the company benefit by giving you the money to do this.

    If you use the approach and tell them that you don't need a decision right away let them think about it for a few days and then ask them what their decision is. I can almost guarantee you that they will be more likely to say yes than no. They will see that it is something you really want and are willing to work for.

    The piano is so beautiful to listen too. Good luck and I hope that no matter what avenue you choose to use your parents will support you in taking these lessons.

  6. Offer to do more chores around the house so that you can earn the money needed for the lessons. I really don't know why they wouldn't say yes.

  7. ask them.

  8. Learn a song and play it to them, after say "I want to study more of it".

  9. ask them, but dont beg them, give them a good reason to say yes

  10. it cost $... I know when my daughter wanted 2 take lessons, it was important that she finished what she started. she did not have to continue, just do what was paid 4, so maybe you can tell them that it makes you feel good to make music :) good luck

  11. why wouldn't they let you?

    playing an instrument is a great thing

    just tell them how much you want to

    and that you're really interested in playing it.

  12. To me, this is not something you should be afraid of asking. This should be greatly encouraged by your parents. Let them know you have interest and if they oppose show them these yahoo answers about how crazy it would be for them not to let you do it. There are a lot worse things you could be asking for or doing.

  13. well id say show them that you can handle piano lessons and your every day things like School, Chores, if your in a Sport and if you have a pet make sure you can still take care of it....

    hope your parents say yes.....

  14. Tell them it will make you read faster. You read two staffs at the same time right?? (Well, not for beginners)

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