
I want to count cards?

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i want to count cards because it will be helpfull for me to invest my winnings. im 18 (im in australia so it is legal to gamble) and need to learn how to do so, im not a math wizz but thats because at school your taught a hundred different types of mathematics but i figure if i focus all my engery (not all of my energy but some i do have a life) on working on this method then i should get it down. first, how long does it take to properly know how to count cards? does anyone know how to or know where i can get this information? yes i know it is illigeal to count cards but i don't care, im using the money to help my future and the casino steals everyones money so i want to out smart them at there own game. thanks in advanced




  1. Oh I love it. More money for me.

  2. For starters its not illegal.

    It took me about 5 months to absorb the information neccessary to begin assaulting blackjack tables, and another 3 months of play before i could almost do it without focusing.

    You do not need to be a math genious to count cards, the most advanaced math you may have to do is something like 17 divided by 3.5 to see if it is greater or lesser than a number such as 4, you only need know if it is greater or lesser, not the actual value.

    To count cards you will need to understand every aspect of the game, the most time consuming parts are basic strategy which varies slightly based on rules and number of decks, nect is the actual card coutning method which takes practice to get to the point where it is natural, and you can do it fast enough to outpace dealers, after that its strategy variations.

    There are multipel card conting systems each with different point values and some are suited for certain types of games better than others, to learn the fastest is is best to buy a book so that all the information you need is readily availabel, if you choose to gain information off the web, it may be difficult to find complete information.  Books can typically be found in the "cards and games" section of the bookstores.

    The best source i know of on the web is

    You need a lot of money to get started, so i suggest you start saving up now while you are still learning and practicing.

    You will not become a billionair counting cards, you also still hold a slim possibility of running out of money.  I make 45$ per hour on average.

    If you do not play perfectly, or raise your bets high enough, or do things that nullify your edge, you will lose money just liek every other gambler.

    As usual if you have questions you can ask me and i will be happy to answer.

    To get started at least learning basic strategy, visit  if you ar playing in australia howveer, the rules may be different, that the rules on that site, which are typical of the us, and the playing strategy it teaches are for those rules.  I have not played in austrailia so i could not say for sure.

  3. im sure thers lots of books, dvds , web sites, etc. but im pretty sure that its not illegal. cheating, yes. but all the casinos can do is throw you out if they "suspect" your counting cards.

  4. The basics,

    First, you need to master the "basic strategy", which means that, for each combination of your two cards and the dealer's up card, what's the best play.

    That won't give you an advantage (if it did, the house would change the rules).  But it is the foundation from which to build.

    Second, you need a system.

    A simple yet effective one is the hi-lo point count.  

    The theory: the more high cards still in the deck, the better the player's odds.  So as you see low cards dealt, this helps you.

    Every low card you see (2,3,4,5,6) counts as +1.

    Every high card you see (A,K,Q,J,10) counts as -1.

    With a high plus (+20), you can increase your bet.

    Third, card counting has been around for over 40 years.

    Casinos have developed very sophisticated countermeasures.

    For example, if you're winning, security will play back the tape.

    First, to see if anyone's cheating.

    Second, it's a lot easier to count cards if you can replay the tape.

    So they can track your betting vs. the card count too.


    Take it from someone who's been there.

    It's a hard way to make an easy living.

    When the casinos opened in Louisiana about 15 years ago, I thought I could count cards, just like I read and saw in the movies.

    And it worked.  My biggest take from a blackjack table was $3,000 betting $25/hand, and raising it to $100 after seeing a deck go to +34(!)

    But, in the end I wound up getting hooked on the thrill of the chase, the thrill of the win, and the escape from reality.

    Then reality hit me, and I'm looking at spending the next two years paying off Visa.

  5. im guessing you just saw that movie with kate bosworth lol..well that was just a movie and i dont suggest you do something thats illegal

  6. Casinos don't care about card counters, card counting is not illegal and also it doesn't work. If it worked then blackjack wouldn't exsist in casinos but it has survived the years and the house will always win. In Australia a typical blackjack table will have 8 decks and after about half a deck is dealt those cards are placed back into the shuffle making card counting null and void. If you want to help your future one of the best things to do is never gamble, a normal job will provide sufficient money to give you everything you want, nothing in this world is free, believe me gambling only ruins lives, don't be a bludger, earn your future nothing is free. I'm 33 and I owe over $20,000 and have no savings, if I never gambled by now I would have my own house paid off. I've studied and tried every system under the sun including card counting, the only thing that keeps people thinking it works is because people are liars and pretend they make money gambling, casino love this as it attracts the young and gullible, you will never win at gambling, I just wish I got this advice when I was your age

  7. if you figure this out you're a smart dude cuz they'll eventually catch you my friend
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