
I want to create a bikini bottom spongebob bedroom for my son?

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what colors or idea's does anyone have to help me achieve this goal. i am not an artist by any means but i was open to suggestions. I have some blues and yellows picked out but just dont know what colors where ? and should i paint the ceiling blue too ?




  1. Don't do it soon he will grow out of Spongebob and hate his room

  2. Well, once my daughter picks a character and wants her room done, I plan on going to the dollar store and finding those little 9 piece foam puzzles(if they have them in her character, lol). I will buy several sets and plan to use velcro to attach them to her wall as a border, except I will leave them where she can reach them so if she wants to play with them she can, lol. I've been thinking about doing it with a mix of all characters :) But also don't forget a safety ring for a spongebob room. I'd get a coloring book and a projector, and find a good picture of bikini bottom to trace on the wall, then paint. I'd do spongebobs house on one wall, squidwards on another, krusty krab and patricks rock. Good luck!  

  3. Heyy

    sounds cool.

    Paint the ceiling like the sky of bikini bottom.

    Light blue with flowers on it, (picture below)

    Get spongebob stickers. and for his bed you can buy spongebob bed sheets, you can get them in stores that sell that sort of thing. i've seen a few.

    Hope i helped. :]

    Good luck.

  4. Paint all the walls blue but on one wall paint it yellow with the green dots to make it look like spongebob.

  5. Paint the bottom half of the walls in blue and the top half in yellow. Then put a Sponge bob border in the middle where the 2 colors meet. That way the border will be more along his eye level. It will be cute and simple to do.

  6. paint the celing blue with bubbles also the walls and u shold have like a beige carpet 4 the sand oh and if u go 2 walmart they should have some spongebob comforters also a blue with bubbles vanity would be cool 2 u can also paint the tv 2 ask ur son 4 ideas! Good Luck!

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