
I want to create a kids' board game. How do I start?

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I want to create a kids' board game. How do I start?




  1. I don't know if you have kids or neices and nephews. I would go to them and ask them what would be a cool game.

  2. Well first you can kinda plan out your game and get ideas from people especailly kids .. so they will love your board game.  My cousin created a board game (9 years old - adults) and is not in stores yet .. but I have lots of copies of it and it's a great game that .. I have no idea how he created it..   Check it out.. it's call Terakh.  You cant find it anywhere yet but you can always get ideas from different people if you mean you are actually creating one and selling it :)

  3. I suggest starting with a premise (a theme) and an ending (how to win) first. Take notes, make sketches, think through scenarios in your mind. Add some detours or road blocks (ways that the game can change quickly). Then grab a couple of willing "focus group participants" and start playing. By actually playing you'll see what works, what doesn't, whether or not it's fun... And the players may have some good suggestions as well.

    I realize this is kind of vague advice, but the specifics really have to come from you!

  4. This site has some really cool ideas. Hope this helps.

  5. You need your own original concept.  Then figure it out, draw the map on posterboard, improve, redraw, improve.  .  . until you get it just right.

    Getting it published is the hard part.  I dunno how to go about that.

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