
I want to create a links from my website to other company websites that are relevant to my site.?

by  |  earlier

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I do not want return links. Do I need to get permission from these sites or can I just go ahead and link to them??




  1. No. You only need permission to use their images, logos, etc.

  2. In a certain sense, information on the internet is considered as information in the public domain. As such, permission is not required to link to a web page that displays this information. In fact, this is usually welcomed by the target website, since search engines look upon these links as "votes of confidence" and assign value to this practice, which in turn influences search rankings. On the other hand, if you have too many outbound links to other sites, this can dilute the value of those incoming links that point to your site from other web pages. This has special significance in relation to your home page. It is best to create a separate page for these outbound links, rather than linking directly from your home page. That is why you often see websites with a page designated specifically as "Links."

  3. WHAT!!! No, no, no. You need to:

    1) Place\Type the web address where you want it to go

    2) Select the web address

    3) Right-click and select 'Hyperlink....'

    4) Type the web address in the internet hyperlink section

    5) You are done!


  4. No, as long as you don't use it to promote your own products for some reason. For example, if you decide to run an ad on TV and say that you partnered with and work closely with them it would be illigal but if you use their site just for information for your visitors then it's free and it's fine to use it.

  5. No, Christopher, noooo... it's FREE publicity for them, nobody could ever have a problem with that.

    Only make sure you do not say something like "Link Partners"... because then you are tricking. Just 'Useful Links' will do.

    Good luck.

  6. To contact them and ask for permission would be a quite polite and honorable way for a webmaster.

    You can do so but you must not. All the  can do is asking you for removing the link to their websites, but if content is relevant I wouldn't believe that this could happen.

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