
I want to create a volunteer program, (in high school) such as getting books for children, do i need a sponser

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Situation: I am a 10th grader who wants to start a program with something in the field of medicine (a program like getting books for African Children, just instead having to do with health). In order for this action to be taken seriously, I need a sponser. But it is difficult for me to think of someone who would be good. I would be doing all the work, but i need the name in order to be taken seriously. Where should I look for a sponser? If i have a sponser, will that person be able to sign off for volunteer work?




  1. Ask a teacher that you think might like to help you.  Together, you could also locate community sponsors.

  2. Try the Local Library or the Rotary. Maybe one of the Churches in your area already sends assistance to Africa and you could coordinate with them, so ask around

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