
I want to create my own hybridized live bearer can you give me some general advice on how to do it?

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i can get the following livebearers



leopard fish



and thats all

what fish would be possible to breed that have not been bred before to create a new fish type

also any other good advice would be helpful





  1. Well you can cross breed mollies and platies, and guppies and endlers.

    what would be nice is to breed a silver mollie with a red platie! that has not been done before so you could name the hybrid a comet mollie or koi platie! lol!

  2. u can cross breed platies with swordtails,guppies and endlers(endlers are a wild form of guppy)which i all these fish mentioned , mollies with mollies,mollies wont interbreed mollies and sailfin mollies will etc  

  3. First off, you're not going to do anything new. Livebearer associations have been around for donkey's year, everything's been tested.

    Endlers cross with guppies, store bought endlers are usually guppy hybrids anyway, the only way to get purebred is from another breeder.

    Not familiar with the leopard fish, but the latin name I saw yesterday looked unfamiliar and did not match common livebearers therefore its unlikely to hybridise with others.

    Mollies only cross with other mollies, guppy molly crosses are rare and any fry don't last more than a month as they're so sickly. Most mollies in stores are hybrids already.

    Platys cross with other platy types (again, most in stores are already hybrids) and swordtails.

  4. I suppose you know that when you cross two animals of different species that although they may produce an offspring that generally the offspring will not be fertile and capable of producing more babies?

    Eg Horse x donkey makes a mule, but the mule is infertile.

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