
I want to crew (row) in high school, but my school does not have a team.....?

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Okay, i will be a freshman in high school next year, and i want to start crew. My highschool does not have a team. I am looking for a team I could join (womens (maybe juniors, i do not know what i would be considered))

if you have a website too i would be so grateful.




  1. Why don't you just get a job in your nearest mall at J Crew?

  2. If you get enough people who would participate and find apponents. You could do a little "fund-raising" and start a "crew"

  3. Well you could go  to they will help out. And you type what crew are you talking about

  4. google your town name and crew club.

    see what comes up. call one and tell them what you are trying to do. they will point you in the right direction

  5. I'm not sure how helpful I can be not knowing your location but I know in High School I faced a similar situation with my school not having a Rugby team. In my school board I was allowed to play for the nearest school that did field a team without transferring. You may want to see if that applies in your school board.

  6. Where you live has a lot to do with finding a team.  I assume you live in the US or Canada, so the best place to find out what's available in your area is either a regional website ( for the Northwestern United States, for British Columbia, etc.)  or the website of the national rowing organization ( or  You'll find lists of clubs there and also e-mail addresses and phone numbers of people who can help you find a team.  (The club listings are not always current on the national websites, so, if you don't see something in your area, call--new clubs are starting all the time.)

    Unfortunately, in the parts of the US where crew is not a school sport, the rowers have to pay quite a bit of money to pay for coaches, equipment and travel.  Most do a lot of fund raising, so get involved early.

    If there is no club in your area and you still want to row, consider attending a rowing camp this summer.  There are many for high-school students (called juniors in the US), and you can find a list at

    Good luck!

  7. Our local schools don't have crew, but the local College has teams that start in Middle School.

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