
I want to cry but i don't know why ?

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I have this feeling [and i have it alot] that i wanna cry

but i dont know why i have these feelings

something small can make me feel like this, like when i get into a minor argument with my mother, sister, or father

i usually just go to my room and try to hold back the tears

sometimes i just pace my room

am i depressed or what ?

and i think my father is mildly depressed too...

why do i feel this way ?




  1. Get a d**n grip!

    Stop crying like a d**n baby!

    Also you SHOULD know why you are crying...NO ONE crys out of the open blue for no reason.

    Maybe it's something you smell.

  2. you could quite possibly be depressed. The cause of your depression im not sure.. maybe youre feeling lonely and are looking for some comfort. You say you think your father is depressed, then I think you should talk to him about how you are feeling so you both can get happy together.

    If thats not the case at all Im gonna say you have PMS and youre gonna have to get use to it!

    Cheer up =] Everythings gonna be alright.

  3. if you do have depression.. the crazy thing is, is that it doesn't pinpoint one cause.. or it could pinpoint so many different causes for that feeling that you get. I get the same way too.. if i get into a fight witha good friend i cant help but burst into tears..

    I deffintly know how you feel though.. Maybe you could talk to a doctor or school nurse or counselor.. maybe something is going on inside that you're not away of.

    I would talk to someone especialoy since you tihk your dad may be depressed too.  

  4. This is common in a lot of us. It seems like you just need to talk to someone. Do you have a friend or someone you could talk to? At times when I feel like that and don't have anyone to talk to I write in a journal or type out my feelings. Do things that pick you up like playing a game online or read a self help book. Chicken soup books always help me. Find something that makes your comfortable. I think this will help you!

  5. I suggest you go to a therapist and talk about what might be going on. I was like you at 17, I let it go on for way to long and it turned into a major depression that I cannot get rid of now at 22. Take care of yourself.

  6. if u need to take a good cry...cry all you is a natural way to release calms you down

    crying releases endorphins which are hormones that act as both mood elevators and pain killers. ... will make you feel better = ]

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