
I want to date this guy?

by  |  earlier

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i reealllllyyy want to go out with this guyy so badly, but he doesnt even know me:( i found about him from a friend! He's a year older then me and really good looking!!! I see him at times around, but im afraid that nothing will ever happen between us, i just want to get to know him, but i dont want to seem stalkerish and creepy...cuz he doesnt even know me...but i want him to know me ......




  1. guys don't care if you come after them and show interest especially if your good looking. Just give him your number our ask him if he has a myspace our facebook and tell him there.

  2. id say u should jus find courage and start talking to him he wont bite and talking to him isn't creepy. gd luk

  3. well what can i say, just be yourself people will like you if just be you

    and talk to him at the hallway lunch ect.

  4. think of a classy way to create an encounter with him but don't be obvious with your reaction. drop something,act like you need to barrow a pin.........etc.etc......

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