
I want to design,manufacture, sell custom bedding-where do I start once I have my artwork, who makes custom...

by Guest66468  |  earlier

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I want to design, manufacture and sell custom children's bedding but I don't know where to began. I already have my own designs/artwork but where do I go from there? Where do I find a company that can take my artwork and make my custom fabric. Once I get my custom fabric then who do I go to to make the bedding items such as making the comforters, shams, sheets, curtains, etc. Could someone please help me?

I would love to manufacture everything myself but don't know the type of professionals I should hire.

Where would I find a company to make custom fabric from my artwork? Or to manufacture myself what type of fabric printing machines should I purchase?

Once I get my custom fabric who do I take it to to make the actual bedding items? Or once again who would I hire to manufacture these bedding items myself?

What terminology should I use to search online? I have less than $50,000 to do all of this. HELP.





  1. Even with large corporates, no body does everything by himself. Take the example of say Dell or IBM, they do the design, they get the Microprocessors from Intel, the case from xyz, the monitor from zyx and so on.

    I suggest you do not buy a printing machine in the beginning. Find some one to do it for you, Focus on marketing and sales. When the volume of business grows, then you can buy the machine.

  2. The best thing I would do is and what we have done is get your own website and start marketing. You can go to or to do your website. Vista print don't have ability to for a shopping cart as yet but go daddy does. Hope that helps.

  3. Like a previous person said. Nowadays, no company manufactures everything or anything by themselves. The world is like a huge assembly line. The fabric material comes from india, assemble in Vietnam and dye in S. Korea and cut and press in China. Then shipped to the almighty USA. That's the reality!

    You should also worry about the marketing. What techniques are you planning to use to spread the word (branding) of your company? In what shops or places do you plan to put your product in? Do you plan to sell it over through the internet? Or brick and mortor stores? This are some of many things you should be considering as well.  

    Here is a link that could help you. Its a manufacturer directory out of China. Go to the website and then type "bed sheets." Usually the way they work is by the customer ordering a specific amount of quantity and then they will put your custome label on the bed sheet. Then they would package it in whatever style you like and then it is shipped to thier clients. That's what you should probably consider in doing before buying very expensive equipment.

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