Are existing jewelry designs considered proprietary,sort of like plagerism of existing text in the literary world ,or is jewelry "design" protected only by specific design patents and or trademark names? I see so much of the same designs by different companies ,it seems there are no restrictions.What type of licensing does one need to become a jewelry designer retailer?Is it possible to have a particular gold design manufactured into long" yardage" and then cut to size for rings, bracelets ,earings , etc.Is it OK to use the design of my existing gold band which I adore ,but have it commisioned -adding diamonds ,gemstones earings etc and then sell these items which are a variation of this existing simple gold band?Im pretty sure the original manufacturer has discontinued it.How can I find out for sure ?How can I find out who made it originally, Could I license their original design adding to it ,for my jewelry line? Does any one research jewelry manufacturers? Its 10 years old.Sandie