
I want to die, but I dont want it to hurt. How should I do it?

by Guest65514  |  earlier

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I've read similar questions and answers, yet have'nt found what I am seeking. I want to die because I believe that I have seen signs that have me questioning my life. Since the beginning of March, I've been arrested, started a new job, gotten hurt on that job after only 4 days, been arrested again for the same thing, had my license suspended, and spent 2 nights in jail. Now I can not drive, can not use public transportation because of my injury, and the people that I thought would help me have turned their back on me. I most likey do not have a job anymore. Oh, and I'm a diabetic. The only idea I can come up with is to drive my car and hope to get pulled over and get into a fight with the officer and hope they have good aim. But seeing that NYPD uses 9mm, I dont want to be shot and survive. I am thinking I could try and get the weapon away from them and use it, but thats a big if. Taking a pound of sugar would probaley work, but would be very painful. I dont want it to hurt.




  1. don't kill youself

    life will get better

    but thats never the right answer

  2. I have an idea,

    why don't you pray to God ;; ask for help and then he'll guide you. Ask for forgivness. I will pray for you right now....

    But anyway you should go seek counseling and find the route of the problem. Lots of people went through MORE than that and are still alive and well. Things can change...

  3. Well...  you have several options.  You can keep searching for a painless way to die and maybe you'll get lucky and find it.  You can build up your tolerance to pain so the idea of dying painfully no longer scares you.  Or you can give up on the notion all together and try to move on with your life.

    I'm not going to feed you some bull about life is worth living because personally I don't believe that.  But you want to die anyway so what to you have to lose in giving this life another chance.  Maybe things will get better... or maybe not.  Maybe you are depressed and things look worst than they are.

    If you really want to die so badly don't let pain stop you.  It will be over eventually.

  4. killng you self wont solve anything.  call a suicide hotline, you gotta accept who you are

  5. Don't die go see a psychiatrist

  6. You need help.  Call a suicide hot line.  They are there to help

  7. Jesus H. Christ...    I watched a DVD called "The Bridge" about people jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge.  It was a real documentary, very weird.  On average over 30 people a year choose to go out in that way.

  8. You need to find all the positive in this.  Something you can learn from.  Everyone is special and deserves to live.  Its easy to go to the darkness, but there are no answers in the dark.  You are better than this.  All I can suggest is learn from your mistakes and start on the road to recovery, you can change your life around, only you.

  9. DON'T DIE plz some people have worser lives than you and think about the people who know you what will happen to them..please just go and see a psychiatrist

  10. This breaks my heart. I hope you're not serious. Do not give up. I don't know what to say but I think we all go through this at some point. I did. I was beyond devastated and in total despair and I wanted to die too.  But instead of dwelling on these horrible thoughts, I did my best and just kept taking one day at a time, promising myself it would get better and good things would happen eventually.  They did and still are. You just have to believe that your life is not over and count your blessings in the meantime. You must be strong and you will be SO much stronger once you make it through. And you must do whatever you can to make positive changes in your life, and more blessings and good things will happen as a result. Believe me I know.

    Also, I don't know if you're religious at all but I am, and knowing that God loves me unconditionally and has everything under control and a plan for my life, is a great comfort and has everything to do with what keeps me going. There is a simple little song from my childhood that I always sing in my head whenever I'm feeling especially  discouraged and lost and I'd like to share it with you.

    - I cast all my cares upon you.

    - I lay all of my burdens down at your feet.

    - And anytime I don't know what to do.

    - I will cast all my cares upon you.

  11. Stop doing whatever it is that is getting you arrested.  That will improve your outlook on life.  (If you need help, check into rehab--assuming your problem is drug related--or get counseling.  Many universities offer inexpensive counseling to the public so that their students studying to be therapists can practice.)

    Sorry to hear that you got injured at work, although it is better to get injured at work rather than elsewhere since you should be covered by Workman's Compensation.

    Stop feeling sorry for yourself about being a diabetic.  Hubby is a type 1 diabetic.  He got arrested more than a few times when he was younger, but luckily he never killed himself.  If he had, I would have missed out on a kind, generous, sensitive man and kiddo would have missed out on a great dad.  You can be that for someone in the future if you hang on right now.  I can tell by your question that you are kind, thoughtful and sensitive.  Great qualities that someone will absolutely fall for.

    Don't hope for the police to kill you.  They never do what you want them to.  (Just think about it, when have the police ever done what you wanted them to?)  The pound of sugar won't work either because it is too slow.  Someone will find you suffering  and take you to the emergency room and they'll fix you right up.  It will be ineffective AND painful.

    Cling tightly to that fear of pain.  Killing yourself is never a good solution to problems.  Even the worst problems generally get better if you work on them.  Finally, pray.  It will give you hope and slowly, you'll find that your problems will unravel themselves.

  12. go to a really cold place. be naked. watch yourself freeze to death

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