
I want to die and I am too much of a coward to do it...Can I get someone to help me kill myself?

by  |  earlier

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It is 3:00 AM and I cannot sleep because I am thinking about how awesome it would be if I was dead. All the pain would go away. I hate myself, I despise myseld and I cannot beat to even feel my own lungs taking another gulp of air. I pray to Gos to kill me - I want a painless death.

I have nothing to look forward to - I come to an empty home every single night and frankly I do not think I will be missed. Can i catch a flight to Netherlands and get myself killed legallly over there? The sweet release of death, the end to my pain. :-)




  1. hey don't kill your self. if you do you will go straight to h**l and live in h**l. even worse. if you want to talk I'm here. i wanted to kill myself before. but its stupid. dont do it.

  2. Wow, listening to all these lame answers of people pleading for you to live would probably just encourage me more. I've had thoughts of suicide pretty commonly over the past 6 months as well...we both face the same dilemma. We're cowards. If I could just wish myself away then I would have.

    You have to look at the bigger picture tho. Everyone lives there lives thinking of someway they can leave an impact on others. For me and you the impact is death. Can't you see we are just screaming for attention? That sounds childish but it's true. Negligence can push you to do some pretty extreme things.  

  3. you don't really want to kill yourself...

    are you like, mentally retarted or something?

    listen, i read you're other questions

    surely, you're not ugly.


    mr. philosophy

    you're words, not mine.

    and i believe that too.

    you are beautiful

    no matter what

    everyone is

    we're all human beings, who desire the same things

    take yourself for who you are.




    you can do it.

    idc if that sounds corny

    its not.

  4. Oh my goodness. I'm sorry but i think you need some very, professional help. Even if your life is bad you should try to get help and try to feel better about yourself. Why don't you just try say taking a nice walk in the park and smelling the fresh grass or feeling the water run over your fingers. Little things like this can really make you see how good life is. You really need some help.

  5. omg pleeeease please please do NOT kill yourself! Why would you even think that? You defiantly shouldn't hate yourself! You probably have so much to live for! God wouldn't want you to die. You were put here for a reason! And I know your probably like yeah yeah what does this girl know but seriously I was severely depressed too!  I used to cut myself and trust me it doesnt help. I would just feel terrible about what I had done after. I really think that you should find someone to talk to about this. I am sure there is someone out there who wants to help you. And I'm sure you do have things to look forward to and I'm sure someone loves you.

    I know this probably didn't help but I hope you're ok.  

  6. It would NOT be awesome if you were dead! YOU are more needed than you give yourself credit for,like now,i needed to answer your question.Try and love yourself,there is no reason not to,no matter what you've done or what is going on in your're worth it!!  

  7. At 3:00 am you should be more focussed on trying to get a good nights sleep.  If your thoughts are continually keeping you awake, then see a doctor about it and that would help in that area.

    We will all die eventually, but I somehow dont think of death as an awesome event, rather, something that happens naturally when my time is up. If you are in pain then discuss this with a qualified medical doctor so they can advise you on what you need to do. If you hate and despise myself you will need to discover whether the reason for this self-hatred is valid or not and may need to speak with a counsellor about it.

    You are very fortunate to be able to afford a place to stay every single night many people cant and frankly will never be able to raise the money to do so.

  8. no matter how bad you think your life is, there is always someone who's  life is worse. think about all the terminaly ill people out there that want to live and they know they will die. then think about your problems and they wont seem so bad

  9. Suicide is for cowards. I use to be suicidal and, but I never give up. If things in your life are horrible work hard to fix them.

    Everyones life is valuable, and you shouldn't waste yours. Think about all the people who are sick with disease and wish that they could live longer.

    Don't waste your life. I don't know you but I know that your not worthless and you deserve to live and breath.

    So please don't go. I know you think that no one would miss you if you were gone but that's not true, someone would miss you. I'd miss you.

    Like I said earlier I don't know you, but I still want you to live so please don't give up hope.

  10. What do you want me to say....... Wait stop dont do it you have so much to live for. jk DDont ddo it though you are just depressed and need to go to the doctor to get some antidepresents.

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