
I want to die my hair from brown to blonde?

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how do I do it?

Atm i'm not exactly sure of my original hair colour because my family has a tendency to be blonde as youngsters, then go brown as they grow older..

i've been dying my hair reddish browns for about 3 years now, so i'm not sure what my hair colour is any more.. atm i'm an 'intense mahogany brown' and would like to go a shade of blonde. my skin tone is warm, but i am white... uhm..

so basically do i need to bleach it then die it blonde, or just go blonde.. and how do i do it properly. i cant afford to pay for a pro to do it... and also highlights?

thanks to everyone who answers! (:




  1. You can have it bleached professionally to the shade you want. I have red hair and if you're not careful, you can end up with carrot orange hair. Believe me, let a salon do it. They will sit down with hair color samples and tell you realistically what you can achieve. Save up for it.

  2. all hair related problems

  3. My kids were both blond when they were born (one is 22 and one is 14).  The 22 yo is just now starting to go brown.  The 14 yo started to go brown about a year ago.

    She wanted to try blond again so we bought a nonpermanent color (washes out in about 26 shampoos).  It seems to take longer to wash out if you have light hair and go dark.  The nice thing about these nonpermanent colors is that you're not seeing a lot of dark (or light) roots because the color fades slightly with each shampoo.

    This last time she wanted to try blond again but we had to buy 3 (she has very long and thick hair) of the blond rinses to get it to turn (this was about 2 months ago) and we're just now starting to see the brown again.  We used Clairol and it was about $6 or $7 a box.

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