OK, here is the thing. I want to do ballet (again, i did it last when I was 3). I am very interested, and I could pay for the classes. They wouldn't be every week because I wouldn't have the money, but whenever I even mention it now (ever since I told her I wanted to start it up again) she cuts me off and says"No, I don't have the money and neither does your grandmother. She already pays for your figure skating." So I am a serious figure skater and that is part of the reason I want to start to take ballet. The lessons at the place I am going to are $12.00 a class. Which I can handle. And I would just have to save for a little while so I can get some leotards, ballet shoes( not pointe), tights, and a skirt. I am responsible enough. So please help me I seriously don't know how to go about asking her. Plus I really miss ballet and it is also good for my posture, and balance (That would help out it cheering and figure skating.). Thanks!!!!!!!!! Hope you can help!!!