
I want to do Cheerleading,Volleyball but I can only do one what do you think I should do.?

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I want to do Cheerleading,Volleyball but I can only do one what do you think I should do.?




  1. play which ever you feel would benefit yourself more. have fun :)

  2. ummmmmmmmmm volleyball! v-ball roxs!

  3. wow!! that is just about the easiest question to answer!!


    cheerleading the most rediculous sport ever! no wait! i wouldn't even consider that a sport

    my moto is i'd rather play the sport then cheer for it!

    go with volleyball

    you look better and more athletic to guys and if you do cheer you'll look like a dumbass

  4. VOLLEYBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bc it is better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. do which one you enjoy because even if you are better at one but don't get as much enjoyment what is the point

  6. CHEERLEADER its simple cause of the outfit


  8. Volleyball!!!!!!!

    No offense cheerleaders... so many always seem stuck up. But that's NOT TRUE for every one! But in volleyball you get more exercise and stuff!



  9. Totally volleyball!! Hello it is the best sport out there!!!

  10. Volleyball. Good for your health, make good friends have fun.

    Cheerleading is for bubble brain bimbos, value yourself!

  11. the way, cheerleading isnt a sport unless its the kind on the movie "Bring It On" if its at the basketball game cheerleading, volleyball.

  12. Play volleyball, simply because it will push you more, and it is something you can continue the rest of your life (I'm not talking pro... just an opportunity to keep active as you get older).

    Cheerleading has limited opportunities beyond school.

    Good luck in whatever you do!

  13. Personally, I would say volleyball. I've been playing since the fourth grade and it is a lot of fun. You make friends easliy and everyone in school will like you. Cheerleaders are too stereotypical and there really is no point to them in my opinion. They do cheer the teams on but they aren't really recognized for anything else. Volleyball will give you respect from other people and you get to wear spandex shorts :]

  14. In my opinion its mostly your choice, but if I had to pick one I would choose Volleyball, because your body uses more muscles than cheerleading would and because volleyball its just a cool sport.

  15. Ok i was in both! Cheerleading can be loads of fun. But so can vollleyball. I think that if you are a shy person go on cheerleading. It sounds weird but i was a shy person and now i talk to people more. I think it gives you confidence to. Just to cheer in front of people takes guts. I think that you should be in cheerleading. It also gives you strength if you do perimads and lifting people or anything liek that at all.Also i think if you are older and you have to give speeches and all that in front of people, you won't be as worried or neverous. Since your used to teh people watching you then you give a presentation or somtihgn you will be used to the people watching you. Ok well i hop i helped! CHEER YOUR HEART OUT!!!!!!

  16. I think that you should become a cheerleader for volleyball.

  17. Well choose the sport that you're better at. Personally I would pick volleyball but thats just because I like it better.

  18. Heather,

    You should be playing the game and have them cheer for you.  Volleyball will take you much farther in life than cheerleading.  In college you even get to hang out with the football team like 2 weeks before the cheerleaders come to school.  So choose vball.  You won't regret it!!!  I was in the same sitch and i am so glad i chose vball.  My friend chose cheer and it got too hard and she quit.  Have fun!!!

  19. Play Volleyball!!!!

       No umm. actually I would talk to the cheer coach.  My cheer coach lets us tryout during tryouts and then play durring the Basketball season. Mabe your coach will let you do it too. Just ask it won't kill you to try.  If it is not possible I would just choose the one you enjoy the most.

       Personally I would choose Volleyball but If I was in your shoes I would do Cheerleading because then you can cheer for volleyball and basketball season. Double the time.

      Good luck choosing and have fun with whatever you choose!!

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