
I want to do Independent Study, but I have a problem...?

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Im very interested in doing Independent Study, I wanted to do it last year when I was a Sophmore but the Board of Adminastration denied it I feel the reason was because I didn't have strong reasons for being in it so I just got through the school year, but this year I really want to do it this year. My Mom is helping me out a lot by getting letters from my Doctor saying I have bad anxiety and my old Tudor is also writing a letter for me saying how it would be a great fit for me since her kids are homeschooled ind of like the same thing I guess, she would also be tudoring me if I do get in the Independent Study to make sure I stay on top of my work. I really want the Board to accept the case so I can get started. My first day of school is tomorrow and the Board wont look at my case until Sep. 13 not to long at all so I'm just going to wait to get the word from them I really am trying to sort of dramatize the whole thing so they will allow me in any suggestions on what I should tell them




  1. Yes, public schools don't teach you a lot at all! I know from personal experience. i switched to homeschooling last year from a public school. I think your problem can be solved by switching to a different umbrella school. An umbrella school is the school you homeschool through and go to to take your standardized testing towards the end of the year. I homeschool through a parochial school and I think it works a lot better than public schools. If you didn't want to be under a parochial school, switch to a different public school in your area. They will probably accept your application.

    I don't remember ever having to submit anything or ask the school's permission to homeschool, after I went there, so you could just drop out and start homeschooling as far as I'm concerned. My mom homeschools me and I think it works a lot better than hiring someone else to teach you because you can relate more to your mom and fell more comfortable with her.  But you can do whatever you feel like.

    In any case, I think you have a pretty convincing argument on your side, if you HAVE to ask the school's permission. You could say that you need a break from some of the kids at the school that are annoying you, or something similar.

    Good Luck!  ;)

  2. This is a home school forum, so to be honest with you, I do not know how the public schools work these things.

    What I can tell you is public schools are not your only option, there are many, virtual, or charter schools on line for you to choose from.

    Some states do have programs where you can do public school at home via the Internet, but true home schooling does not use any of these methods.

    True home schooling is completely separate from any conventional schools involvement, and the parents choose the curriculum, method, teach, and set the time and place for their children's instruction.

    To get more detailed advise, you may want to post this on the teaching, or general education, and reference part of the forum.

    Good luck.

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