
I want to do a martial art, but I'm a complete beginner.?

by Guest21490  |  earlier

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So far, I'm interested in ju-jitsu, capoeira, and muay thai. I mainly want to stay fit, improve my reflexes and have fun, but don't want to bulk up.

What do you recommend?




  1. brazilian jiu-jitsu is the best one to learn. the training won't kill you and it puts you in real-life fight situations and you have to actually fight your training partners. it also teaches you how to disarm your opponents whether that is by submission or breakage.

  2. You might develop a little muscle while practicing martial arts but as long as you don't do weight training you will be fine. I recommend practicing capoeira because when you fight in the roda (ring) you don't hit the person you are playing with.

  3. It doesn't matter which you choose, you won't "bulk up".  Bulking up requires so much more than just working out.  It requires changing your diet and lifting ridiculously heavy weights, among other things.

    All the martial arts will help you stay fit (you would not believe what a workout ju-jitsu ground fighting can be), so what you need to do is visit each dojo to see if you want to join.  Often they will offer you a free trial class, or week, or month, during which you can decide if you enjoy it or not.

  4. Let me pose a question to you. Do you mind being punched in the face? Seriously, muay thai is not for someone looking to stay fit and be flexible. That is cardio kickboxing. Muay Thai is pretty hardcore. Trust me on this. I would recommend jiu-jitsu. It is a very practical art. Your core will become very strong and you will become incredibly flexible. I have no experience training in capoeira. I know it involves many spinning moves, so maybe it would be good too. Hopefully this helps.

  5. Most martial artists don't bulk up unless they are also weight training.  Do what ever style you want, for fun.  If you also want to learn how to defend yourself, inquire with the school before you sign up.  Some school are more focused on tournaments and rank, some just focus on the art.   Know what you are getting into, so you can have fun.

  6. Muay Thai is the best to not bulk up and to improve reflexes.

  7. For reflexes I would say Jeet Kune Do, they focus on intercepting and reading when the opponent will strike where.  As for what you said above, if you jst wnat to be fit and have fun than maybe Capoeira as it is a kind of dance, Muay Thai is a fighting art. Japanese Jiu-Jitsu is as well, BJJ is a sport fighting or one on one style of fighting mostly, I think. I am no expert though. You cannot arm bar two guy at once though. At the most you could break onwe guy and than focus on the next but that may prove tricky. But if you master it than I doubt you will have problems with even three street punks. Besides that i wnat to train in martial art too, I was thinking about western boxing at firast and than maybe Muay Thai if I find a good gym, than after I get into shape I would wnat to learn more stuff from something like, Krav Maga or Jeet Kune Do or something like that. I also like Wing Chun trapping and stuff it looks cool. You won't bulk up doing martial arts, and even if you lifted you may find its harder than you think, unless you are naturally big.

  8. do what you want to do.-jeet kune do really kick *** i can grab punches no problem..

  9. muay thai go with that ok yh its a fighting still but the fastest people i have seen are those that have studied in the art of muay thai and there slender and fit

  10. Studios are everywhere! I suggest you find one with an instructor who has affiliated credentials. I mean he has a degree and also belongs to an accredited organization.  You don't learn Martial Arts in a short period of time. There is also more to it than just the physical aspect! Good luck!

  11. Iam intrested in ju-jitsu and i have never had a martial arts back round is it difficult

  12. Hey i suggest Tae Kwon Do.  It's fun, a good work out, doesnt bulk you up. And its for everyone! Girls and boys, all ages. I'm a 12 year old girl and have my second degree black belt.

  13. Anything you will enjoy and stick with.  Personally I would go with the capoeira or a good Taiji school, as you want something in which you will actually get better as time goes on, so either art would do the trick.  Taiji schools that actually teach it as a martial art are rare, so if you find one, treat it like a treasure, I do.

    MT will teach you how to kick and punch immediately, but I have met very few old MT practitioners without some kind of injury.  The trick is to stay vital throughout life.

  14. As previously said, all Martial Arts will keep you fit and all of them will train your reflexes.

    It depends on what you are really seeking about Martial Arts that will help you choose which one to practice.

    If you are looking for strong physical exercises that will build up your endurance, then you can choose Kung Fu or Muay Thai.

    I would suggest Aikido, which is also called The Gentlemen Martial Art. It is a defensive Martial Art that falls under the Grapple category. It is very useful against street thugs. However it requires patience to master.

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