
I want to do a martial art , but i don't know which one ??

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I did karate for a year and small amounts of wrestling and i know a few wrestling holds and submisions

So which one would be best for me ...

And im 14 years old , 5'11 , 160 lbs




  1. Keep wrestling for a while. You can't go wrong. I went to high school with a wrestler named Matt "The Hammer" Hamill, who went on to become a great fighter in the UFC. Wrestling is his base fighting style, so you can't go wrong with wrestling.

  2. First off you need to consider your body's capabilities. Are you flexible? Are you of strong build? How quick can your mind think?

    These are all going to determine what would be the best style for you. Someone flexible and fast Korean martial arts would be great.

    Strong upper body the grappling arts.

    Short not as flexible but still quick try Japanese/Okinawan styles.

  3. the green berets sometimes choose,  escrima,     i think it is good because it doesnt make the guy in the wrong think it is lethal.

  4. it depends on what do you like, if you like to kick, tae won do would be the key, if you like strengh, karate,... if you like energy and lots of friends, capoeira ,... if you want to fight, mau tai or kick boxing, if you want technique and knowledge, kung fu, if you like bruce lee,.. jeet kune do.

  5. Brazilian Ju-jitsu is one of 3 only martial arts styles that works in real life situations; the other: Freestyle Wrestling and Judo. But, by far, Brazlian Ju-jitsu is the most effective out the 2 because of it's superior groundfighting; since the reality is that 95% of fights in up being in a clinch and then on the ground.

  6. Nobody can ultimately answer that question for you.

    A lot of people are going to tell you this, or that is the best, but my question to that is best for what? A lot of people have one-on-one fighting in mind, but don't seem to realize not all people are that focused on it. That's a pretty narrow perspective.

    So your first task should be to ask yourself why you - and nobody else - are interested in doing a martial arts. It's a vast and diverse world. Don't limit yourself to what somebody else thinks it's all about.

    Get a couple of books on the subject. Finds out what's out there. Go with instinct. Think about what sounds interesting to you, for whatever reason. I'd say you should narrow it down to two or three and then start looking for schools in your area. Be especially wary of somebody that tries to sell you MA like it's a used car. It won't make you into an invincible superman and it will take time and effort. Anybody that denies those realities is a peddler.

  7. really you need choose the one with the best teacher. If you find a school where the teachers suck you won't learn anything, but if you find a school with a really good instructor  then you'll learn more than you can imagine.

  8. No one can really tell you what to do, you gotta find one that suit you.

    I trained in wado ryu karate and judo since I was 5, but found that judo was more suitable for me, so I gave karate up when I was 12 or 13 and concentrated in judo. I still practice judo now, at the age of 24.

    You may want to try a few till you find the one that suits you. You may want to try a different class/branch/family of karate,  tae kwon do, BJJ, kung fu, muay thai...etc.  

    Most importantly, you have to find a good instructor and the dojo environment that you like.

  9. If you liked wrestling then Pankration is awesome if you can find a good school. It is a more combat oriented version of classical wrestling. The modern version is derived from what we know of the original through engravings and written accounts.

    Edit: Brazilian Jiujutsu is useless in a multiple opponent situation. While you are clinched with your opponent his buddy will stab you. The only reason it got popular is because of the UFC, which is not actually no holds barred and the original champions were the Gracies who owned the UFC at the time.

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