
I want to do a "scrapbook" for my 94 year old grandma of kids/grandkids all over the country. ideas???

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I thought of asking everyone to send me a picture of them and their families from this past year and write a "highlight" of the year in a few sentences and then put it all in a book for her but I feel there should be more but not sure what it is. thanks for suggestions...............




  1. If it were I, I would ask for baby pictures of each child/grandchild, and also a picture of their family.... If you have pictures of anyone with your grandmother it may be neat to include them too... chances are if they live all over the country your grandmother would remember them more from when they were smaller...   I think this is a great idea.... good luck!

  2. Have each family send you a finished scrapbook page and then you assemble it into a nice book. That way each family gets to pick the pictures and write what they want. It would be less work for you as well.

  3. What also would be nice to liven up the scrap book (not knowing what you had in mind already) but give it color and random flare. Puts up lots of fun creative stickers (any local craft shop has a ton of knick knacks to add to it). Get cool scissors you know with the weird funny edges and cut up colorful construction paper in designs and what not. Design it up give it texture (they sell cool textured paper at any local craft shop). ...I hope this is what you meant by suggestions. Good luck!

  4. Anything you do will be good to her, but one tip.

    Ask those who'll send things to make sure that any photos or text is BIG so she can easily see and/or read it.  That would mean close-ups of people's faces as well as group shots or shots showing them doing obvious things like hobbies or sports, and also large written words or added stickers, etc.  

    Or you could even send her an audio tape of what's been written, or of everyone's voices, so she can hear things as well as seeing them.

    Of course, she'd probably love to see a video too if she has a way to play it, or you could put one online at YouTube or on a private blog, etc., if she has access to a computer (even at a family member's house or at the library).

    Diane B.

  5. Make sure you have pictures of her throughout the years. If she's 94 she must have done some really cool things like, been a part of a war, protested something, been in the first group of women to work in some field of work. If she got any awards, or things like that. You could also print out the newpaper in the state she was born on the day she was born. Maybe you could get baby pictures of her, or of her Mother, Father and siblings. I love heritage pages.

                                                                      Good  luck

  6. maybe some history, more on her life. things you remember most about her. etc.

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