
I want to do a replica of my boyfriend's willy, where can i buy a kit?

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I want to do a replica of my boyfriend's willy, where can i buy a kit?




  1. hahahahhahahahhahahahahahaha.

  2. lol I would say a s*x shop

  3. you can buy a clone a willy kit from

  4. that is hillarious

    so is the cloneawilly shop hahaha

  5. ha ha ha ha ha.

  6. great idea, make a mould in the shape of a candle and when you have a fallout light the candle and watch him suffer

  7. nice question

  8. non ho capito bene, che vuoi fare? Vuoi clonare Willy? Se è così, ti dico solo una cosa, è ILLEGALE!

  9. Why would you want a replica of your boyfriends willy

  10. Anne Summers

  11. Try ringing p***s shop on your d**k ta phone.

  12. Its is called "replica" and consists of a gel which sets very quickly you then fill the gel mold with plaster of paris. Most modeling shops seel the gel.

  13. Thats the funniest thing i ever read

  14. Whats a willy?lol

  15. you can buy a clone a willy kit from

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