
I want to do community service?

by Guest59224  |  earlier

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what type of community service can i do. im thirteen. also today when i went to the sprint store these peole were talking about community saying how her kids (two teens not sure how old) go to a kids summer school and help out. that sounds so fun. i wish i could that. because i love working and hanging around children.




  1. try to voulenteer on some online help programs or at your local church, YMCA, libarary, or other centers. its really nice of you to do something like this and it's nice to know people like you still exist. you can also join girlscouts to help the community. hope this helped.

  2. OMG, contact your local YMCA as they have summer camps for kids. Also are you involved in a church or is any of your friends? They too, have both summer camps and Vacation Bible School. You sound like a good hearted person. I'm glad that there are still some around. Good Luck and GOD Bless

  3. Whenever I was working in volunteerism, I would plan special family volunteer activities and get people of all ages to come by to help our organization.  I know that usually you have to be 16yrs old.  but some of my best volunteers were younger.

    I would check out to look at different opporutnities unique to your local area and then contact them and see if they have any special projects that you can work on.  Also, contact your local United Way and see if any of their agencies are having large scale volunteer days when you could help.

    Good luck and keep trying.  You'll find a spot out there, I know it!

  4. Find a volunteer organization to join or get involved with your parents when they volunteer.   Our daughter volunteered at church and with Special Olympics because we were also involved.  She is also a Girl Scout and has done tons of community service with her troop since she was in kindergarten.  She also got involved in volunteer activities at her school.

    There are some online places where you can do some volunteer things.

  5. pick up trash.

    find out what color your city uses for graffiti busting and go paint over it.  just don't break any laws regarding private property... and make sure you know basic gang graffiti lingo...if you encounter some... use your own judgement... call the city so you don't get shot.. or do it yourself if you're not worried.

    if people spent half as much time doing community service as they do watching Paris Hilton hike up her skirt.... the world would be a much better place.

  6. Sorry, but you have to be at least 16 to do any type of community service. You can ask at your local church to see if they have anything you can do for them this summer.

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