
I want to do cross country but I have made breathing Can you help me.?

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Next year is my first year of High school. In middle school they never gave me gym wich means the last time I ran a mile was in 5th grade I have begged to be put in gym so I could be in better shape. But they never let me. I am not fat I was just born with 1 fully working lung and the other one is partially working. ( I was born with a Diaphragmaticernia) I know you probably haven't heard of it my just Chest was caved in and my organs were in all the wrong places. So now that I am in high school I have to take gym unless I play a sport but I am nevouse about going to gym. So I want to do a sport like Running. So could any one help me start be good at running.




  1. Go out on a long run. (20 or more minutes) Go for as long as you can without stopping. This will help your lungs.

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