
I want to do cross country this fall! will i be able to keep up?

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I've never done xc or track before but i have been running on my own. i usually run a little over 4 miles a day, roughly 5 days a week. i'd say i go faster than a slow jog but i don't run it all out. i run at about the same speed the whole time though (i run 2 miles in 11:40). i know that probably sucks, but i do have the summer to train. do you think i'll be able to do cross country without being the kid falling behind everybody in practice?




  1. i do cross country and um its 3.2 miles where i live and what yer pace is for 2 miles is really good so keep it up. you will do fine/

  2. be careful at the start though, everyone will rush off quickly and its always the beginners who go too fast and have no energy to get round the track, similiarly you dont want to go to slowly and then not be able to catch up, its quite a tricky thing to practise on your own because you dont really have the adrenaline going when your training. but just bear it in mind.

  3. not at all.

    11:40 is excellent!

    thats less than a six minute mile, which is a very high paced run.

    you should do cross country!

  4. YES YOU CAN! My Frosh year I joined the XC team with no running experience at all and almost earned a letter. First you need a real pair of running shoes from a running specialty store. Asics, Mizuno, and Brooks are all top manufacturers. Don't bother with Nike impersonations; they make lots of good stuff, but not shoes. Keep a training log but never increase milage by more than 10% each week, Stretch throughly before and after runs, and ICE!! It really helps. Go to every practice and never shirk a practice. Milage put in on Saturday mornings will pay immensely during meets. You can do It! Just work hard and believe and good things will happen. Good luck!

  5. I have been a CIF champion cross country team for two years, and you sound like you'll do great on cross country.  11:40 is pretty good for the 2 mile, my school's record is 10:31.  You probably won't make varsity this year, but you might have a chance next year, depending on the quality of your school's program.

  6. It sounds like you have okay times, and they will only get better as you run more competitively . If you have been running and you are willing to train more you will do great! And I really don't think that you'll be the one falling behind at practice, every team has some kid who either doesn't care or is only there to get in shape. Plus, your coach should adjust the workouts to fit each member of the team's abilities. Cross country is an awesome sport, our team has LOTS of fun! Go for it and enjoy!

  7. 2 miles in 11:40 is about 5:50 for each mile, which, believe it or not, is a solid time.  I very much doubt that you'll be in the weakest group, being as many freshmen who join don't run even 7 minute miles, at least on my team.  4 miles a day, 5 days a week is a solid base to start from, and you sound like you'll do excellent on the team

    Good Luck, and Enjoy!


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