
I want to do more with her but i dont want to loose her?

by  |  earlier

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Iv'e been with my girlfriend for nearly a year now and i kind of want to start doing more things, she told me that she doesnt and i would never force her but what could i say to her to try and get her to change her mind? i realy love her and dont want to upset her so nothing nasty!




  1. Ah this is difficult. But in all honesty, if she doesn't want to then she doesn't want to. Maybe you could just start off doing small things, if you know what i mean. If you truly do care about her then wait a bit longer. Talk about it to her also, it would be good for both of you. Whatever you do try not to make sure she feels pressured - so make sure you word your thoughts properly!

    Remember, to start something like this, everything needs to be considered, the place, what your doing, your relationship (good trust!) and contraception - if you go that far.

    Good luck, i understand it would be hard, especially after a year.



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