
I want to do my jurnal but i need help because iam esl i cant do my jurnal on my self?

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I want to do my jurnal but i need help because iam esl i cant do my jurnal on my self?




  1. What is your journal all about? As a beginner, I think you should be given an outline about the topic first, until you get the hang of it, so to speak!

  2. What did your teacher say you could do your journal about?  Please explain more so we can help.

  3. Why don't you do your journal in your native language and then when you learn more English you can translate.

    Try to find a friend who would enjoy helping you improve your English and have a nice time doing it.  I have had several friends who spoke very little English, but we communicated as best we could.

    Also, you must have a computer to use, and some programs can translate for you.  Ask your librarian.  They are usually quite helpful.

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