
I want to do my splits!!?

by Guest32988  |  earlier

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umm yeah im in the dance team and i want to learn how to do my splits

i wanna learn them fast before next month

any special streches will help or you tube videos

please help anything will do just help me achieve them faster

thanks to the people who answer

u guys are rad~!




  1. every other day hold a split for 5 minutes. Stretch each leg daily


  3. Try the following stretching list by me:

    1)go down to your fullest everyday for splits:

    - try front splits first, then followed by side splits... it is not easy, it is painful, but it works...

    2)do sit-and-reach:

    - yours legs straight in front of you (together) and you push yourself down, try touching your knees with your nose... it may be painful too.if possible, as your parent, friend or anyone to push you down in order to stretch further...

    3)do high kicks

    - stand up straight.kick your right left up to the highest (try to keep it straight, so is your left leg which is on the ground) do at least 10 times a day.then switch to your left the same thing for your left leg.make sure you kick really hard up high to feel the stretch at least.

    4)pull your leg backwards

    - lie down somewhere (preferably bed for comfort).straighten both legs.then move your right leg (bended) to your chest.slowly straighten it and move it to your head.and try to pull it closer.but becareful not to hurt your muscles.don't overstretch.switch the same for left leg.must be able to feel the stretch then hold it there for maybe 1min or your own count.


    - sit in a straddle (legs open to the widest possible when sitting down).then push your body down to the ground, all the way if will feel the painful stretch.hold it there.then relax when you it a few times.if possible, ask someone to push you down and hold it there for you.

    6)another trying to split method

    - sit on your left leg bended.straighten the right leg in front of you.and then you push your left leg backwards all the way you can.this way you can improve on your front splits.

    AND if you're interested to improve flexibility on your back, or waist as well, you can try the following:

    7)xiayao (human bridge) also.put your hand behind your back to support yourself and bend down backwards to your fullest without bending your legs... you may feel queasy at your stomach but it is like this de.must practise more often to get totally down for human bridge...

    8)lie yourself on the bed for comfort,then place both palms of hands beside your head (one on each side) then push yourself up all the way you can... try to get up from there as well.this is to improve on your waist - or rather the human bridge - xiayao - (:

    you better warm up before doing any stretches or else you might end up hurting yourself! Hope this helps(:

    [This stretching list is done by myself, so anyone else please do not conveniently copy and paste]

  4. in cheerleading we would stand up flat against the wall. then a partner would take one leg and raise it as far is it could go and hold it then , we would do it strait up then to the side, then the same with the other leg really works

    then just start practicing

  5. well, at my school we had a yoga lesson for 4 weeks or so

    and der was dis one thing she taught us which helped me stretch my legs and i think it wud work for splits?  

    u just sit on the ground, legs apart, and just raise both ur arms up, and stretch to one side, touching ur toes, and hold dat for a couple of mintues, den stretch back up, and down the other leg

    dont just try to quickly touch ur toes, slowly go down ur leg and try to touch ur toes, and soon, u'll feel a bigger stretch and all, and i think dat shud help you a bit in doing splits?

    hope it helps!!

  6. Stretch whenever you have downtime, like when you are watching tv.  Do any stretches that work on your thighs and your hips.  One that I like goes like this.  Sit on the floor with one leg bent in front of you at a 90 degree angle and one bent behind you the same way.  Lean forward until you feel the muscles from your hip, through your butt, to your leg pull.  Hold here until you can relax further.  After holding these positions, straighten your back leg so that you are almost sitting on the front leg, hold here as well.  Do this with both legs.

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