
I want to do something really special for my fiance. any ideas?

by  |  earlier

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So we've been together a while and he's more important to me than anything on this world. We get 2 days a week where we're completely alone, but that is coming to an end soon. He's moving kind of far away and I won't be able to see him, so I wanted to do something special on our last day together. We like to have fun, we're best friends, we play games, do the little conversation card thing... I don't really want to cook for him. What's a good way to show I care? And s*x isn't a good answer. Already do that. I need something romantic.




  1. offer him a nice set of dress outfit

    as you like for him.

  2. DON`T THROW A PARTY! This moment should be yours to treasure, if the weather`s right,picnic. Or rent a room that has room service, give him a lap dance even. But I think you should ask him what he wants and do it, espcially if he hates surprises.

  3. Romance from a woman to a man is wonderful.  Get an 8 x 10 photo of yourself and make it the main gift in an elegant gift basket of essentials for the fiance on the road.  Things to include are gift cards for his favorite eatery, a few toiletries, his favorite beer, a wallet photo of you, and something personal of yours for him to keep under his pillow.  This gift will show him just how you feel.  Good Luck

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