
I want to do something unique for my senior project that ends up helping people. Ideas?

by  |  earlier

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I don't care what it is, as long as it is unique and different. I just want it to have a lasting positive effect on the people that I can hopefully help.




  1. Perhaps you could do a project for a nursing home- you could get people to make cards or do a little show for the residents. Those people are so lonely!

  2. I'm not exactly sure on how you want to help, but maybe plan a talent show with a small entry fee that goes to the school and lets people have fun with it?

  3. Who would you like to help?

    Children? Women? People with physical challenges?

    If you can narrow it down a bit, you'll have better luck finding a project.

    The talent show idea hits my funny bone a little. I see it as starring Sharpay, for some reason. ;o)

    No offense intended.

  4. Learn how to use memory enhancement tricks and teach them to  under classman. They are all listed on the internet.  it is easy to learn....

  5. somethings that you can do is!.  volunteer as a tutor/ Mentor at your Elementry, or Middle school, another possiblility is to help out in the playground as a recess supervisor, for this you must get permision forms, or permission from said principals, also this would look real good in your resume, under community work, you can also volunteer your time helping in a food closet/ or if you drive how about helping an elderly or a few, taking them shopping, or reading to them, cutting their grass on a saturday, or sunday, or how about my all time favorite collect recycable cans and bottles and donate the proceeds to an underfunded program that helps the needy like salvation army or P.G.&E with energy assistance for those on life support equiptment, or donate your used papar backs to the local library, or a school of your choice (make sure that the reading material is age appropriate, and not offensive in any way or form, and if you think that they might be for older audience, how about donating them to the hospitals, or convalecent homes, also another good place to donate your time for elderly are often lonely, or forgotten by hectict family members that wish that they had the time to come by, to talk. read, or just visit them.

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