
I want to double major in anthropology and sociology...?

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then, I want to go to law school. Is that feasible? After Law school, (and while practicing law), I want to get my masters in physical anthropology, then PhD in the same. I would really like to practice as a Forensic Anthropologist. THEN, I want to go back again, to get my masters in Sociology, and another PhD in Sociology. Am I INSANE? hahaha. Is this feasible, also, I mean, is it possible to do all of these things before I die?




  1. Sure it's possible.  Just realize it will take years of schooling that will seem to take forever.  There are many people that have multiple PhD's in similar fields, such as anthropology and sociology.  Ask yourself if you think you have the staying power to keep to it 15 years or so down the line, since working while getting an education tends to extend the time it takes to get your degree.

    Good luck!

  2. Feasibly yes. Th course that you are pursing is logical and pretty close to my own. It'll take a while...scratch that...eternity...but if you love it like I do go for. It's possible.

  3. Anything might be possible; but, what the h**l for?

    Being a decent lawyer takes 70-80 hours a week of intense work.  Developing yourself as an expert in a specific field may take more and years of practice.

    The same could be said for anthropology.  If you don't want to be an anthropologist why would you want a doctorate?  Ditto for sociology.

    If you are familiar with martial arts consider this.  Getting a black belt is not the end of your studies, it is the beginning.  A black belt is an entry level certification and says you now  know enough that the truly accomplished will spend time with you to teach you the discipline.  Same for a law degree or PhD.

    Dual major if you want - then pick a path and go for it.

  4. If you have the $$$$$$, discipline, and hopefully well developed brain from a good childhood involving lots of puzzles and stuff which led to good neurobiological development, go for it.

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