
I want to drive but have no ID?

by  |  earlier

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I want to get my uk provish licence to drive, Ive gone to sign up for another but low and behold I've lost my passport.

It says on the website they will accept..

full valid current passport

* identity card issued by a member state of the European Community/European Economic Area (EC/EEA) with the exception of Sweden

* travel documents issued by the Home Office

* UK certificate of naturalisation

But I have none of these, anyone know anyway of doing this without paying £80 for a passport then £50 for a provish?




  1. Yes If you dont have any document then you need to bring with you some one els to state that YOU are who your saying you are, your mom, dad, uncle etc and they need to bring there passport or drivers licence or whatever..

    anyways thats how the rest of EU works..i dont know about UK.. call your local dvla n check with them

  2. you can't drive legally, if you were to get pulled over, you would get in major trouble

  3. Hi, you don't need to have a passport - that is just the easiest way - and is probably hyped up because lets face it, if everyone who wants to drive goes out and gets a passport, then the country gets loads of money!!

    You can use a birth certificate but only with one of the following:

    - National Insurance card or a letter from the Department for Work and Pensions containing your National Insurance number

    - photocopy of the front page of a benefits book or an original benefits claim letter

    - P45, P60 or pay slip

    - marriage certificate or divorce papers (decree nisi or absolute)

    - college or university union card or school record

    for more info visit

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