
I want to drop out of school ! I dont care about my education ! I dont care! Opinioin needed!?

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Well you see I don't care about anything anymore except surfing. My mum wants me to continue my education but i hate school cause like I'm always in detention or suspended. My mum says I'm still to young to drop out of school which is sort of true ( I'm 14 in year 9 and I'm a girl ), but it just depress' me school with all the pressure and stuff. I'm in the development squad for surfers under 16 so i have 2 more years till i can be pro. I've never enjoyed school except recess or lunch cause I'm with my mates playing footy and stuff. How come no one ever understands how i feel? Why do parents have to force you to go to school? Why do others always control you? It is so annoying! Should i really drop out of school? How should i tell my mum that i don't want to do school and that i hate it so much ?

thnx =]




  1. If you broke your leg 2 years from now and couldn't surf anymore, you'd still have an education to fall back on.  You NEED an education for financial reason.  Also, for social reasons. Do you want to appear uneducated or naive when you're at a party or when you're meeting new people?  What about when you're a famous surfer and they interview you for a sports magazine or TV show... what if they ask you a question and you don't even know what the words mean, or how to respond? When you marry your husband years from now do you think he wants to marry a 9th grade dropout? What message would that send to your OWN kids?

    I know it's not the answer you want, but listen to your mom, and hang in there.  

  2. I'm droping out in year 10.

    My Mum did as well and she is fine.

    You can if you want.

    I don't know where you live but here in Australia we have to be over 15 to drop out.

    As long as you get a job strait away you should be fine :)

  3. do school. you might regret it later in life. also I'm 14 and i still feel like I'm too young t make major decisions like that on my own. what happens if you have and accident and you can never surf again or surfing doesn't work out, you'll have no education and...yeah. so stay in school

  4. It's not just parents, but also the government which forces you to go to school. Depending on the country you live in, school is usually compulsory till about 15. Also, all you suggest doing with your time when you finish school is surfing. This is not a guarantee of money. My advice is to not leave school until you have a job. I don't mean becomming a pro surfer, I mean something to support yourself. If you're old enough to leave school, you're old enough to support yourself by earning money and paying rent to your parents.

    You can complain that people always control you,but these people are looking out for you, whether that be trying to help you become the best person you can be, or simply feeding you, providing you with a bed, water and clothing.

    I'm sure you're aware that there are places in the world where education is not an option. I don't want to insult you, but I think you take things for granted. Perhaps you are a great surfer, but I think you need to research how much money it would take to live without your parents and see whether you could really live off any earnings as a surfer. I think you'll find that you need to look at how difficult it is to find a job. Nobody can hire you as a  14 year old. Next year, look into jobs and see if you can get one.

    By leaving school you are announcing to the world that you are ready to grow up and become an adult. That means that you will rely less on your parents. Are you really ready to fend for yourself?

  5. School sucks. A lot of people will agree. And a lot of what they teach you, you'll never use in every day scenarios. BUT, dropping out will make the rest of your life really tough. You seem really creative and smart. I think you'll have a successful future doing something off the beaten path. Often times, the ones who hate school are too smart, and think 'out of the box' too much to be able to bear sitting in a classroom listening to a teacher drone on about stuff that bores us to death.

    All you have to do it just bite the bullet and tough it out for a few more years. Get your diploma, and run down the school steps while telling everyone to kiss your butt. Then you'll be free to do what you want! And every job application you'll ever fill out in your entire lifetime will ask if you ATLEAST graduated from High School.

    School also sucks because of the tremendous amount of peer pressure. Just keep in mind that the "weirdos" and "geeks" are the ones who become successful later on in life. The musicians. The artists. The journalists. The theatre kids. Find courses like those that may appeal to you more than what you're forced to learn.

    And when you're older you'll see that the popular kids in school who make your life h**l, grow up to lead very dull, boring, 9 to 5 lives.


    You can do it. We have faith in you!  

  6. They try to control you because you need it. No one who was as mature as they think they are would hold these opinions.

    How is an education attractive? I would never have gone out with my partner if he wasn't educated, put it that way. If you are uneducated, you will only be able to attract other uneducated people. Smart people go out with other smart people. Dumb shmucks either go out with dumb shmucks, or are left single.

    Dropping out of school would be a stupid thing to do. What do you think you are going to do? You think someone is going to pay you to surf and play footie with your mates? You have to do something in life. If you are happy working at a supermarket forever, or until you grow up, go ahead and do that. You can't do nothing because nothing doesn't pay bills and doesn't fund hobbies.

    The public school system may not suit you well. If you are willing to study, but don't like the way the school is run, find an alternative. The Teenage Liberation Handbook might be a good read for you.

  7. IF u want to suck **** for crack.. then drop out

  8. schools for fools, just dont become some lez and you'll do fine

  9. You will see that nobody will hire you and then you will be back in school anyways.

  10. drop out

    see if ANY of us care

    wait.. i'm kidding

    sure, you can have a nice life if you dont get a high school diploma. but i tell you what.. it sure doesn't fn hurt to have it. and it certainly is gonna help get you wherever you want to go. you're still young. you still have a lot to learn. and alot of fun to miss out on if you drop out. just sayin.. think about what your doin. i know alot of "dropouts" some are doin okay. but many... most... are living pretty S****y lives

  11. Because if you dont get education then what does happen is you can't be a professional surfer forever you might not even make it as one I left in year ten to have my baby now all I can get is stupid kitchen hand jobs want to study but is nearly impossible with three kids I felt like u then and feel alot different now ten years down the track you WILL fell different no matter how much you say it now do what will make life good for you not what you want to do and you can't go wrong no matter how hard you can go school till u make it then give up if you have to  

  12. Hey, go ahead drop out.  We need McD's workers too.  

    Being educated shows that you have discipline.  And if you have no discipline plus not know how to do anything, how do you expect anyone to hire you for anything?  I know you don't understand paying bills just yet, but what happens when your "mum" (I HATE that term for some reason) decides to stop paying for your food?  Are you just going to be one of the bums on the beach?  Some people are happy like that.  I personally am not.  

    And education is attractive because when you are educated.  You know what's going on, when you know what's going on your confident, when your confident that displays leadership.  Leadership equals s**y/attractive.

    Just stick it out for a little bit.  You can be a pro surfer later right?  You miss out on an education, be prepared to take A LOT of criticism later.  And good luck finding a decent paying job without even a high school education.

  13. you can't surf forever... come on!!!!

    surfing wont give you money or food to eat. .

    good education will bring you places,,, laer on you'll realize how important education is...

    if you just want to surf your whole life then just eat your surfing board by the time that you starve...

    start thinking of senseful things girl!!!

    you can no longer take back the lost time

  14. Having an education is attractive.

  15. do what you want.

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