
I want to e-mail a former teacher of mine...?

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Mainly to ask her about teaching, because she was always one of my favorite teachers, but I don't know how to start off the e-mail. Any help??

I mean, do I say:

Dear so-and-so,

I am a former student, and...? Or what?




  1. Dear former teacher,

    Dear former guide,

  2. just start it like

    Dear Mr. John Doe (or Mrs. Jane Doe) because idk what your teachers name was and just start writing the e-mail.

  3. just talk about how you're contacting her because you remember her as an inspiration.  making people feel good off the bat gets them more inclined to help you with what you're asking (within reason).

  4. "Dear Mrs. Smith,

    You were my American History teacher in 8th grade, in the (1990-1991 or whatever) school year at (name of school).  Your class was always my favorite, and you have been an inspiration to me as I (consider a career in teaching or whatever)."

    Do you have any copies of your school photograph from that year?  Enclose one of the smaller prints if you send snail mail, or scan it and attach it to email.

    If you can remember any particular highlights of the school year, mention them.  Something funny, or sad, or dramatic, or something totally unexpected.

    A few years ago, I was out of work for a few weeks with a broken leg and I got to thinking about my favorite teachers.  Several times I thought about looking up my 6th grade teacher from Ohio and sending him a letter telling him how much it meant to have him as a teacher, and the funny things he told us back in 1970 that I still remember.  But you know, Christmas was coming, and it was frustrating trying to cope with a broken leg, and I couldn't get my Christmas shopping done, and I hadn't bought cards to mail yet ..... in other words, I found reasons to put off writing him.  Then I got a Christmas card from the family who had lived next door to us; both of their sons had had this same teacher before I had him.  And in the Christmas card, they said that the teacher had had a heart attack and stroke and died just a few days earlier.  A young man, only 53 when he died.  And here I missed my last chance to tell him how much he was appreciated just by delaying a letter by a few days.

    So write your letter to your teacher.  Let her know what you remember, what your favorite memories are, and then ask if you can pick her brain about teaching and teaching techniques.  I promise she's going to be thrilled.

  5. Dear Ms Jones,

    I'm not sure if you remember me, but my name is Jane Doe and I was a student of yours at John Adams High School.

    Then continue on with what you want to talk/ask her about.

    I think your teacher will be very flattered. As a teacher myself, I love when former students contact me to ask qs, etc. Makes me feel like I did a good job!

  6. Yes you start out by saying Dear Mrs. Such n such

    Reintroduce yourself, you'd be surprised as to how many teachers will remember you even if its from 20 years ago! (I just ran into my 2nd grade English teacher she remembered me way back from 1986/87)! Tell her about how much you enjoyed her class and then go into why you are emailing her.

    Hope this helped.

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