
I want to eat meat....but im vegetarian??

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somtimes i think about that,,,and i want to stay vegetarian...what should i do??

im 14




  1. i am also a vegetarian. I too feel like eating meat. i am 13.

    just think u killed a chicken and u r eating it, i feel guilty and that feeling of eating the meat goes away.

  2. If you crave meat, then you are probably a vegetarian for the wrong reasons.

  3. you should consider why your vegetarian and why your not?

    maybe you should only eat free range or something?

  4. you're still 14, you need a lot of vitamins and nutrients that comes from all types of food, but maybe you can eat meat twice-3 times a week, and fish is very good! but you still have to eat dairy products which is good for your body improvement, since you're still 14, i hope this enlighten your confusion, thanks

  5. u not a vegetarian then are you?

  6. You want? That's not the point at all.

    Don't eat meat if you are against the

    idea. To do so would be selfish.

  7. lol since u r a vegetarian, u must have a reason. if your reason is taht you dont wanna b fat, then yeah, eat some meat, it wont harm u that much (depends how much u eat). BUT if your reason is religious purposes or u dont wanna eat a poor animal, then DONT eat meat cause its not right deceiving ur values for your cravings. lol. hope that helps!

  8. maybe just start by eating only certian types of meat like chicken (or dog jk) or eat only meat that comes from proven sources that dont abuse there animals in anyway

  9. if you like it, eat it.

    but don't buy into the veggie propaganda c**p.

    Not all animals suffer.

    If you eat clams, or mussels they die quickly.  Or lobster is boiled alive and dies rather quick.  But radical freaks will always say, oh no poor creature.

    Bottom line, taster good to you = eat it.

  10. It isnt going to hurt you to try it atleast once, if you really feel that you want to try it then do not fight yourself...Try it and see what you think, and if you like it then you can decide if you would like to keep eating it or not. :)

    Best wishes to you!

  11. Don't do it. Just eat hella tofu and eggs and nuts and dairy so you'll get protein.

  12. well, what type of vegetarian are you?

    if you want to be a strict vegetarian, you really have to get used to eat pure vegetables only but you can choose from its variety

    STRICT vegetarian eats only plant origin foods

    PARTIAL vegetarian are vegetarians that eat regular diet but they do not eat red and white meat

    PESCO vegetarian are the same with Partial but they do eat white meat (fish and fish products)

  13. There are times when I think meat smells good, but I'd never be able to eat it again... if I look at it too long I see the dead animal. I would suggest some tasty analogs.

    Oh and I'm seventeen, vegan for 2 years, vegetarian for 9, and much healthier than before I became vegan.

  14. well if it get to hard just eat meat but you can always use meat substitutes quorn is really good it has the same flavour and texture as meat.

    If i was u i would jus try and use substitutes and take vitamin tablets so you getting all the right proteins and vitamins.

  15. It can be hard being veg socially sometimes and even harder when you around and smell foods you used to eat.

    If you haven't been a vegetarian long, then just give it some time and you'll start to forget about the taste of meat.

    I suggest you find really tasty foods you like and when ever you feel like eating meat, just indulge in something good!

    vegetarian sushi rolls.

    veggie burgers.

    seasoned fries with cheese.

    vegetarian jerky.

    just to name a few.

    I hope I've helped (:

  16. If you have any desire to eat meat then you are missing the principles most vegetarians share.

  17. Just eat meat.


    Its just meat eat it

    It taste good

    Stop trying to fit in with other people.

    Do what you want to do.

  18. Eat SOYA products!!!! Soya chicken, Soya Fish - they taste like meat but they're veg.

  19. My 7 year old brother is a vegatarian and he wants to eat bacon so bad but he never does if you feel sorry for the animals you need to preserver

  20. I'm 15 and have been a vegetarian for over two years. at the beginning I did break a few times and ate some meat. However, now every time my spirit needs lifting I look at a pro-animal rights videos like "Meet You're Meat" on or similar sites . It gets easier I PROMISE! If you really believe in animal rights you are doing an amazing thing and should be proud of choosing not to eat meat. I sure am proud of ever vegetarian I meet.

  21. Don't give in to your temptations. Just think of the animals whose lives have been taken just for food. You can live without meat. You can buy alternatives like , as someone said soya or Quorn. Sometimes even the supermarkets have their own veggie sausages and burgers. Quorn is a great make. You can buy slices for sandwhichs , chunks for stir fries etc. Plus they use free range eggs in their products and taste great! You can do it! For the animals and you!

  22. Hello, if you are eating an animal for food then I personally believe that it is not in humane. My hubby hunts deer, for food ONLY. People think that its's cheap and w/ the economy, we will eat when others will starve!

  23. how about deciding a particular day in your calendar for eating meat and other days just go as a vegetarian

  24. Just eat it, you should think, hmmmm that animal has been killed already and if i dont eat it someone else will so just eat it, its naural

  25. first of all ask your self why are you a vegaetarian, is it your choice , peer presher or the way you have been brought up?

    If you want to try some meat and your family are vegatarian,then chat to your folks, tell them what you feeling.if you are veggi beacuse you dont like the fact its animals and you see it as cruel, try to remember animals are usually killed very humanly, so you dont have to feel guilty.Maybe you can start of with a little bit of chicken?If you do stay vegatairian there are loads of stufff on the web for new and different recipies so you can offer your self more choices.What ever you decide make sure it is the right choice for you.

  26. you're the only one who can decide whether you want to be vegetarian or not. You shouldn't feel pressured to stay vegetarian or to eat meat, its completely up to you and people shouldn't judge you on what you eat.

    Even if you just eat one thats ok, if you like it you can unvegetarian yourself and if you don't enjoy it, you can keep going vego.

    Eat what you want, it's your life.

    Good luck.

  27. Take a trip to a slaughterhouse or just watch a video of slaughtering practices on u-tube.....or go to the grocery store & picture all those nicely packaged "flank" steaks as pieces of thigh from your mother.


  29. You have to ask yourself why you are a vegetarian.  What is it about vegetarianism that makes you want to stay that way, and what about meat is attracting you.  Way the pros and cons of both sides and make your choice.  You are young you can always change your mind later.  Maybe you just need to find more vegetarian products that taste like meat or you are craving protein because your not getting enough.  If you look into some new vegetarian recipes with a good amount of protein or try some new things at a great vegetarian restaurant you may not have the craving anymore and can stick to your principles.  If it doesn't work taste a small amount of meat and see how you feel about it.  Good luck.

  30. being a vegetarian is a state of mind.. if you want to eat meat then do so.. there is no reason why you can't have a go at beign a vegetarian again later on.. But before you eat meat, amke sure that's what you really want to do..

    good advice from a previous poster: try some of those mock meats that approximate the taste and texture of real meat.. not perfect but may be good enough to ward off your cravings Warning thoug: those things are processed and may just as bad as junk food

  31. Well if you want to eat meat your probably not a true vegetarian.. And they do sell vegetarian meat look alikes!

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