
I want to enter my daughter into preschool early.?

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She is 2 right now and will be 3 in June. I believe she is very bright and would do better entering early rather than late. My question is if anyone knows if there are certain things she needs know or be able to do to gain entry. We're in Florida I don't know if the rules are different or not. I've heard she may need to do something such as skip with alternate feet to display that she has the physical development.




  1. I think it depends mostly on the kind of program you want your daugther to enter. My sister lives in Florida and has a 2 year old daughter who attends a part-time preschool program. If you're looking for a full-day program, or a program that teaches specific skills that you're interested in, you may have to shop around and just find out what each school's requirements are. They will likely be close, but there will be some variation from school to school. For some schools, it's age only. For some, it's potty training. For others, it's a whole list of other skills.

    As you are researching this possibility, try to remember that she's only 2. While you may feel pressured to teach her a certain skill to get her into a school, don't forget that her job right now is simply to be a child. To play, to grow, to construct her own knowledge, and to be loved and supported by her family. I'm sure whatever decision you come to will be the best one if you're looking through your child's eyes.

    Good luck!

  2. We are in MD and here the age cut off to most accredited programs is very strict, and only those that fall a few days short of the cut off are considered.  In your case, your daughter would be eligible for traditional 3s preschool in the fall.

    Not to be rude...but most parents think that his or her child is bright - and if they let all the "bright" kids in, they'd be overrun.  Not that yours isn't, but you aren't the only one to think that.  Besides, most kids do not do well entering early.  They miss key steps.  It's like building a house, but skipping the foundation.

    Your best bet is to find a program that offers a 2s program - a lot do - and keep her with her age peers.  Or wait until the fall (I know here, you wouldn't be able to get her into any of the good preschools until the fall - they are all full)  If it is a good program they will meet her needs.

  3. I know here their skill level doesn't matter in most facilities. They have a STRICT 3 and up policy, and the kids must be potty trained. I don't think it is so much about intelligence as it is about emotional maturity. As far as skill here they don't really need much just have the maturity to follow instructions and communicate with others of their age and teachers. I would try to contact private preschools and talk to them about their entrance requirements. Some even have a cut off date, if she will be 3 before their date they may even take her now. Good luck

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