
I want to feel an experience but the experience i want usually involves crime or s*x and i'm too young ?

by  |  earlier

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I want to see what it feels like to be in full prison uniform. including shackles, handcuffs, jumpsuit, shoes and be put into a cell. does any one know how i can do this




  1. Just obsess about it long enough and you'll get there...

  2. try a scared straight program

  3. either go to a costume shop or find a g*y guy with a outfit on hand if you are a guy...if you are a girl..grow up.

  4. Search online for a mental prison, call them and say you are a threat to yourself and society. I'm sure they will let you stay and be in a straight jacket or something if you want.

  5. I just have to ask why?

  6. spencers gift shop and some crazy friends... have fun..

  7. most states have the shock program .to where you can do this ,just go down to your local police dept and ask them about it

  8. How about calling the police dept and ask for a tour of the place.  I think that would change your mind.

  9. Get your parents to think you're a bad kid.  Most countys have like a 'steered strraight' program where they'll put you in jail for a day or so.

    A good thrill, though, is skydiving.  That'd be fun, and perfect for you.

  10. Believe me I went through this for real it is not that great of a feeling you are not in control of any of your actions.

  11. Contact your local prison. Tell them you're writing a paper on prison conditions. Ask to have all that done. Doubt it'll work, but it's worth a shot.

  12. Wow you just said what probably every young person has felt. I am a goody goody girl & I can remember wanting to race a call through town & smoke & whatever I wasn't supposed to do. I am 49 & I have never heard anyone say it nor have I seen it written. You can say the world seriously I know in the USA people get into so much trouble because they can't contain this urges & our society is in denial about it...Do something positive with it. Become a writer & learn about the things you are interested in & become a reporter so you can go to prison;s find out if it was anyone there's dream. You could be a psychological researcher.  You have so much going for you don't let anything stop you if something doesn't work out just keep trying or changing directions & you are going to have a great life.

  13. Call the police dept and ask them.  Tell them you feel it will cure the fantasy and detour you from a life of crime.    

    In all seriousness, things like this can affect your entire life. Subconscious or conscious desires.

    Tell your parents its something you cant shake, and see if they can get you into a tour of the county jail.  

    Self help

    Lock yourself in the bathroom for 12 hrs.

  14. Talk to your parents you need to see a doctor!

  15. you can either go rob a bank.....

    or you can ask a cop to take you in haha!

    or ask your parents for a birthday present they can set something up =D woooooooo

  16. commit a crime

  17. Get arrested, I'm pretty sure they have everything your looking for thats messed up

  18. you're underage-just pull something stupid, spend a couple days in juvy, and it'll be wiped off your record.

    just kidding-if you ask, the cops might just let you do it.

  19. ask the police. LOL. they might get a laugh out of it.

    ... or just kill someone.

  20. hope this is just a fantasy

  21. Wtf? You need to check yourself into an institution.

    I think that's close enough to prison

  22. call your local jail and ask them...tell em' it's for school and they will for real let you in and try.  or have your parents call...if you don't want the hastle

  23. Relax man. Lots of time to become a rapist and pedofile.

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